Sunday’s Coming ~ May 1, 2016

Our spring worship takes us to five Psalms that paint a picture of God’s people finding joy in the middle of all life gives us.  When we take a step back from our relentless pace, we look back to see God’s goodness to us.  And he is good!  So good, in fact, that if we gaze at how good he is, we will burst with tears of joy.  And that pause, that kind of joy, gets us ready to live into the future God lays out for us.  

This week we look at one more psalm to finish our series on gladness. It’s Psalm 16, and it’s a psalm about trust. David, who wrote this psalm, seems to have a unique relationship with God – one that’s grounded in an unshakable trust. That trust then gives way to joy and gladness because David knows that his portion and his lot in life are secure. Not only does God hold all of David’s past, but He also holds all of David’s present and future.

Sunday School Snip-It (April 24, 2016)

The Gospel Project for Kids continues to follow the life of Solomon this week but gives another story of sin and its result. Solomon, with his God granted wisdom, still made many mistakes. Solomon had married many foreign women and was led away from worship of the one true God to follow the gods of his foreign wives. Jeroboam, one …

Sunday’s Coming ~ April 24, 2016

Our spring worship takes us to five Psalms that paint a picture of God’s people finding joy in the middle of all life gives us.  When we take a step back from our relentless pace, we look back to see God’s goodness to us.  And he is good!  So good, in fact, that if we gaze at how good he is, we will burst with tears of joy.  And that pause, that kind of joy, gets us ready to live into the future God lays out for us.  

This week the tables turn a bit. Instead of celebrating how God makes us glad, we’ll wander through creation and wonder how all of creation makes God glad.  Why did God create the universe, the earth, the sky, the sea, even a three-toed sloth called an ai?

College Students – Finals Week

ATTN COLLEGE STUDENTS On Sunday May 1 be sure to stop at the table in the Fellowship Hall to pick up a “Finals Week Goodie Bag”.  There will be 300 bags available on a first come, first serve basis.

Sunday School Snip-It (April 17, 2016)

This week’s story is about the fulfillment of David’s desire to build a permanent place for the ark to reside. David’s son Solomon built the temple to house the ark and the other important  elements of the tabernacle. In the fourth year of Solomon’s reign he began building the temple,  a process that lasted for seven years until it was …

Sunday’s Coming ~ April 17, 2016

Our spring worship takes us to five Psalms that paint a picture of God’s people finding joy in the middle of all life gives us.  When we take a step back from our relentless pace, we look back to see God’s goodness to us.  And he is good!  So good, in fact, that if we gaze at how good he is, we will burst with tears of joy.  And that pause, that kind of joy, gets us ready to live into the future God lays out for us.  

This week we’ll discover there are many ways that we get lost, broken, and wrecked.  And, no matter what way you got lost or broken or wrecked, God’s love for us in Jesus rescues us and sets us free.  The Bible says we get “redeemed.”  And we will learn what people do who know what God has done for them.

Lighthouse Kids Celebration Night

Here are some photos and highlights from the Rainbow Club Celebration Night.  Thank you to all the leaders and children for another great year!

Trinity’s VBS Olympic Adventure

June 1-2-3, 2016 6:00pm – 8:15pm Get on your mark, get set and GO sign up for Olympic-size fun this summer at Trinity’s VBS!  We’ll discover the joy of being on God’s Team in Action!  Start each evening in the Olympic Center, then race to all the arenas to enjoy our gold medal music, buzzer-beating Bible lessons, championship crafts, record-breaking …

Sunday School Snip-It (April 10, 2016)

This week we moved on from David as The Gospel Project takes us to David’s son Solomon. Solomon was the second son of Bathsheba and became the next king of Israel. Once David died, Solomon had a dream in which God told him to ask for anything he wanted. Solomon told God that he was a young man and that what he wanted most of all was the wisdom needed to be a good leader for Israel.