Sunday School Snip-It (January 17, 2016)

The Gospel Project for Kids story this week is about a woman named Hannah. Hannah had a good life but one thing was missing. Hannah wanted a child. As her family went annually to Shiloh to worship at the tabernacle, Hannah became distressed and prayed to God that He would give her a son. Hannah wanted a son so badly she promised to give him back to the Lord to serve Him. God granted Hannah’s prayer and a year later she gave birth to a son named Samuel.

Sunday’s Coming ~ January 17, 2016

Last week I invited people to follow Paul’s challenge to “sober up” with an honest self-assessment of who we are in Jesus.  I believe that with an honest view of ourselves in Christ, we will be able to live and love like Jesus for the sake of others.

This week, we pick up the next step: what kind of love we have to give.  I was blown away be studying the most common of words – “love.”  I can’t wait to share what God showed me. It may just change your life.  It did mine.  

Haiti Summer Mission Trip

Plans are being made for a summer mission trip in June from the 13th until the 21st.  This will be an intergenerational trip for folks high school age through retirement. Please sign-up HERE to let us know if you are interested in finding out more information about this.  There will also be an informational meeting Sunday, January 31 at 11:00 am …

Super Bowl Party

Trinity will be hosting a Super Bowl Party on Sunday, February 7.  Come any time after 5:00 p.m. ~ the game starts at 5:30 p.m.  If you are able, please bring a drink and snacks to share.

College Brunch Opportunities

On Sunday, January 31 from 9:30-10:40 a.m. we are going to bless our college students with a College Brunch. We are looking for people to provide food for this college ministry event. We will be serving muffins / baked treats (donuts, coffee cakes, ect), egg bake, fruit, and juice. Food can be brought to church that morning.  Sign-up HERE. On Sunday, …

Sunday School Snip-it (January 10, 2016)

This past Sunday in The Gospel Project for Kids our journey is taking us for a look at stories that hint of a coming Savior, Jesus Christ. Sunday’s story is about Ruth and Boaz. Ruth was the daughter-in-law of Naomi, a woman from Bethlehem who had moved with her husband and sons to escape a famine in their town. After the husbands of both Naomi and Ruth died, the two women moved back to Bethlehem to Naomi’s family’s land. 

Sunday’s Coming ~ January 10, 2016

Welcome to the New Year! I don’t know what you are hoping for in this year, but I know that God is at work among us, and we are praying that our together this week will allow us to be overwhelmed by God’s love in Jesus.  And, once loved, to be the kind of people who live and love like Jesus.  


altər The place we meet with God is the place where we are changed by God. Trinity is going to be offering a new opportunity this winter/spring for prayer and worship.  After meal nights we will have a time of prayer, worship and scripture in the sanctuary from 6:30-7:15.  Nursery will also be provided for those with kids 0-4 who are …

Operation Prom 2016

Operation Prom is a community ministry that seeks to bless high school girls in our area and in the process demonstrate God’s love and care for all aspects of their lives. Teens participating in the program are given the opportunity to select a free prom dress and be treated to a day of pre-prom pampering.  This year’s give-away dates are …

Sunday’s Coming ~ January 3, 2016

This week we are continuing an occasional series we do called “Heidelberg U.”  We are in the fifth week of this series here at Trinity. So far we’ve covered our sin and all the effects of that sin. Basically, we know how miserable life is without a savior. But this week is different. This week we get to meet a …