Facility Set-up Volunteer

Trinity is currently looking for a Facility Set-up Volunteer. We are seeking a person who loves serving in the church: becoming involved in the life and ministry of the church staff, volunteers, members, and guests.  This volunteer will have the ability to perform the needed duties to prepare the facility for various events which help Trinity meet their core values …

Sunday’s Coming ~ March 13, 2016

This week, Jesus injects calm into a sea of anxiety.  We’re sitting with Jesus as he speaks to the disciples on the night before he dies.  They are finally understanding that the end is near.  We can almost feel their anxiety as they lean in to the conversation. Jesus promises something beyond their (and our comprehension): it is to their (and …

Funeral Help Needed

We extend our sympathies to Carol Bogaard and family in the loss of her husband, Dave, who passed away on Tuesday, March 8, 2016. There will be a funeral service on Saturday, March 12, at 10:30am, at Trinity Reformed Church in Orange City. Rev. Jonathan Opgenorth and Rev. Donald Lenderink will officiate. Interment will follow the service at the West …

Holy Week Schedule of Events

HOLY WEEK SCHEDULE OF EVENTS March 20 – Palm Sunday Services at Trinity 8:30 / 9:50 / 11:10 a.m. March 23 – Holy Wednesday Service at Trinity 6:30 p.m. Led by children and youth for congregation March 24 – Maundy Thursday Service 6:30 p.m. at Living Water Community Church March 25 – Good Friday   Good Friday Men’s Prayer Breakfast …

Sunday School Snip-It (March 6, 2016)

David sinned against God, but even through that, God, in His grace, restored David when he repented. One night David was on the roof of the palace and saw Bathsheba, bathing. He called for her and the result was that she became pregnant. After orchestrating her husband Uriah’s death, David married Bathsheba and she soon gave birth to a son. …

Sunday’s Coming ~ March 6, 2016

This week we walk with Jesus as he leaves the feast of Passover with his disciples and begins his journey to a Roman cross.  He walks through streets and comes to gardens.  Somewhere along the route he grabs a grape vine and gives us one more example of what it’s like to follow him.

Already he has set an example for us: he washed our feet in John 13.  Last week, Jesus painted a picture of our true home in his kingdom: it’s like getting ready for a wedding.  This week he takes us deeper and uses a new word to describe the closest possible relationship we can have with him.  

The word is abide. 

Muffins, Mugs, and Music

Trinity women of all ages, please join us on Saturday, April 9th, from 9:00-11:00 AM for our mother/daughter event, “Muffins, Mugs, and Music”. We will enjoy tasty treats, decorate coffee mugs, and listen to a variety of special music. If your mother or daughter is unable to join you, you are still welcome to attend! The cost for the event …

Sunday School Snip-It (February 28, 2016)

David had become the king of Israel. When David assumed the throne of Israel, God had given the nation peace from its enemies. David was concerned however that the ark of the covenant still dwelt in a tent and did not have a permanent home. 

Sundays Coming ~ February 28, 2016

This week is a very special week.  We are sending out dozens of people on mission experiences over the next two weeks.  Students, faculty, and staff, from Northwestern and Dordt will be heading north and south and east and west.  Some will go to Europe, to Haiti, and to Nicaragua.  And, Pastor Bob and elder Karen Barker will be our representatives on a visit to our sister church in Japan.  

All this reminds me of a phrase from Pastor Rick Warren, “It’s not your seating capacity but your sending capacity that counts.”  Thanks be to God!

The message may seem out of place for a day of sending, but it actually fits quite well.  Jesus is in the middle of his last talk with the disciples before he goes to the cross.  They fear what comes next. Jesus sets them at ease as he talks about home, about the home he prepares for them in his Father’s house.  

Sunday School Snip-It (February 21, 2016)

David and Jonathan became great friends. Jonathan gave David several gifts. He gave him a robe, a military tunic, a sword, a bow, and a belt. Saul tried on several occasions to kill David. Jonathan warned David of Saul’s rage.