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Youth Group Updates – July

July is going to be a month of some fun activities for our students! Beginning July 10-11, the middle schoolers will be having a lock-in at the church. We are excited because, in addition to hanging out and having fun, this will be a good time for those who went on the Power Connection trip to share about the experience …

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Leadership Team Updates | July 2021

The Leadership Team is the primary decision-making body in our consistory structure, and they work with the staff and full consistory to provide direction and leadership to our church (click here to see who is on the team). Listen as Pastors Brian and Kurt, along with Dave Mars and Naboth Netten (two of our new Leadership Team members), talk more …

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Leadership Team Updates | June 2021

The Leadership Team is the primary decision-making body in our consistory structure, and they work with the staff and full consistory to provide direction and leadership to our church (click here to see who is on the team). Listen as Michael Andres, Karen Barker, and Pastor Brian Keepers give an update from their May meeting.