Sunday’s Coming ~ September 20, 2015

This week worlds will collide around a watering hole outside a small Samaritan town.  At this “village pump” Jesus will engage in a very personal conversation.  It looks like a clash of cultures on many fronts: he is a man, she is a woman; he a Jew, she a Samaritan.  Men and women, Jews and Samaritans, do not talk in private, let alone in public.

K-5 Sunday School Snip-It (Sept 13, 2015)

This past Sunday we continued our journey with The Gospel Project.  Sunday’s Bible story took place chronologically after the death of Moses. The Israelites had reached the edge of the promised land. God called Joshua to lead the people, and He promised to be with Joshua every step of the way. God would lift up Joshua in front of all the Israelites so they would know that God would be with Joshua just as He had been with Moses. The Israelites reached the Jordan River during flood season. With the river overflowing its banks, the Jordan River would have been as difficult to cross as the Red Sea! God gave Joshua specific instructions concerning the crossing, and Joshua obeyed.

Sunday’s Coming ~ September 13, 2015

This Sunday we come to John 3:16: “For God so loved the world that he gave his only son…”  A man named F.F. Bruce wrote several decades ago that this is “the best-known and most often preached text in the entire Bible. It is a masterly and moving summary of the gospel, cast in terms of the love of God.”

And there is one word that grabbed my heart more than any other in my preparation: Whoever…”


What is Alpha? Alpha is a chance to explore and question the meaning of life. Over a series of ten sessions, you’ll find out about the basics of the Christian faith.  Each session involves a main talk and some time to say what you think.  It’s fun, relaxed, and free, and you can ask anything you like (that’s why over …

Coffee Volunteers Needed

The Cafe is looking for additional volunteers to help with their Sunday morning Coffee Ministry Team. Volunteers are scheduled to serve on a monthly basis, over various times to cover the three morning services.  They are especially looking for volunteers to help with the 9:50 a.m. services.  To volunteer please email or call 712-737-4542.

Lighthouse Kids Registration

We are excited to start our K-5th Grade Lighthouse Kids Wednesday Night Programming at Trinity. Lighthouse Kids meets every Wednesday night from 6:30-7:30pm in the Children’s Area. To register your child(ren) online, click HERE.

Trinity’s Piecemakers Quilting

The Trinity Piecemakers Quilters would like to invite you to join them this year in a quilting adventure. They meet together twice a month for Christian fun, quilting, and sewing. If you are new to quilting or are an experienced quilter, they welcome all. Please contact Linda Feikema at 712-360-0537.

Heartland Strategy Night

On Friday, Sept. 18 we’ll start the Heartland Strategy year off at church from 7:00-9:00 p.m.  Please bring a snack to share, drink will be provided.  If you’re not sure what it’s about, please come and check it out.  This evening is open to anyone interested in a night of fun. Hope to see you there.

Sunday’s Coming ~ September 6, 2015

For five weeks this fall, the Holy Spirit is taking us slowly through John 3 and John 4.  We’ll hear some of the most quoted words in the Bible – “You must be born again…” and “For God so loved the world…” and “…never be thirsty again.” 

We’ll meet two people who appear different but deep down are the same.  One is a Jewish male from a prominent family and who is highly religious. The other is an unnamed woman with a checkered past. He seeks Jesus out at night. Jesus seeks her out by day. 

Alton Roadside Park Picnic

Join us on Sunday, September 20 from 5:30-7:30 p.m. at the Alton Roadside Park for a great night of food, games, and time to get to know people.  Hotdogs, drinks, plates, and silverware will be provided.  Please bring a side or dessert to share with others.