Sunday’s Coming ~ March 13, 2016

This week, Jesus injects calm into a sea of anxiety.  We’re sitting with Jesus as he speaks to the disciples on the night before he dies.  They are finally understanding that the end is near.  We can almost feel their anxiety as they lean in to the conversation.

Jesus promises something beyond their (and our comprehension): it is to their (and our) advantage that he goes away.  How can that be?  How can we be better off if Jesus dies and goes to the Father?

If he goes, he promises, he will send something better.  Something better than his physical presence?!  Yes!  He will send the Holy Spirit.  The Spirit being with us means that Jesus will no longer be limited to one place and the people who can hear him.  If he goes, if he accomplishes the reason the Father sent him, he will then be able to be present with every single person in every single place.  

What fills you with fear and anxiety?  Where are the seas of your soul full of storms?  Jesus offers you the Holy Spirit, his very presence.  Let’s welcome him ever deeper into our lives.   

And again this week, dozens and dozens of our attenders are out serving Jesus across the globe.  Let’s remember them in prayer and look forward to their return. 

Sunday School for All Ages at 9:50a.m.

  • Children and Worship
    • Ages 5-1st Grade (Children’s Area)
    • Dismissed during the 8:30 and 11:10 a.m. services.
  • Ages K-5th Grade (Children’s Area)
  • Middle School & High School (Youth Room)
  • Adult Opportunities:
    • Questions of Life (Fellowship Hall):  This week we continue our “Created To Be Related” series. This weeks topic is: Parenting children of all ages.  Do you ever feel alone or overwhelmed with parenting?  We will discuss this important topic and seek guidance through Scripture.  Our goal is to learn how we can support and encourage one another in this venture. Join us as we learn and grow together.
    • Sunday School Guide Class: Class will resume gathering for Bible study starting April 3. Outlines and notes for the lessons are sent weekly to interested adults of all ages, please contact Syl Scorza at: 712-737-4335 / For this weeks lesson, click HERE.

Going to be gone? You can worship with us live on our Webcast – click HERE

You can also view past services in their entirety – click HERE

You can view this weeks bulletin – click HERE