Sunday’s Coming ~ April 10, 2016

Our spring worship takes us to five Psalms that paint a picture of God’s people finding joy in the middle of all life gives us.  When we take a step back from our relentless pace, we look back to see God’s goodness to us.  And he is good!  So good, in fact, that if we gaze at how good he is, we will burst with tears of joy.  And that pause, that kind of joy, gets us ready to live into the future God lays out for us.  

This week we will be looking at how joy and gladness intersect with the sorrows and difficulties we face in life.  The Psalms are filled with not only rejoicing, but tears, sadness, grief and loss.  Last week Psalm 126 declared, “Those who sow in tears will reap with songs of joy.”  What does this look like?  Can God really bring joy out of our most painful experiences in life?

Welcome Lunch ~ April 24, 2016

On Sunday, April 24, we will be having a Welcome Lunch at 12:15 p.m. for new attenders who have been coming to Trinity over the last year. This is a great opportunity to connect, meet some new people, and hear about the ministry of Trinity Church.  Please set aside the date and sign-up online, HERE.

$1 for 1 Update :)

“God has done great things for us; we are glad.” (Psalm 126:3) Yes!  We are Glad! One of the ways we are celebrating how glad we are for God’s goodness is called “$1 for 1.”  For five weeks (April 3 to May 1) we are giving $1 for every attender every week as an extra gift to a mission outside …

Sunday School Snip-it (April 3, 2016)

We have a lot to be GLAD about. WE ARE GLAD.

This week the kids looked at the lesson of the 10 Lepers.  We focused on giving thanks to God for all that He has done for us.  In the story of the Lepers only 1 of the 10 healed came back to thank Jesus.  We know that God is worthy of our praise.

Sunday’s Coming ~ April 3, 2016

This week marks the beginning of what we pray will be five weeks of incredible joy: joy over God’s grace to us in Jesus, joy over God’s blessing to us personally and as a church, and joy over the work that the Holy Spirit invites us to continue.

Outdoor Space Spring Projects

There are several exciting volunteer opportunities this spring as Trinity will be completing multiple outdoor space projects.  We are going to be adding a foot bridge, a shelter house, several benches throughout our walking/prayer path, installing a large children’s play area, finishing our soccer area, as well as setting up a portable disc golf area.  We will also be doing …

Sunday School Snip-it (March 27, 2016)

The gospel is called that! It means “good news.” If the story ended with everyone being separated from God because of sin, it would be terrible news. But God is full of love, mercy, and grace and He wants to be glorified. So He provided a way for people to be forgiven and made right with Him again.

Sunday’s Coming ~ March 25, 2016

Through the centuries, followers of Jesus have made it their practice to gather on the first day of every week to celebrate the resurrection.  That’s why most churches worship God on Sundays.  Every Sunday is a mini-Easter.

But the specific celebration on Easter Sunday is the biggie!  We take time to read again the story of Jesus rising from the dead.  The human writers of the Bible tell us the resurrection story through the people who experienced it. 

Sunday School Snip-It (March 20, 2016)

The gospel is called that! It means “good news.” If the story ended with everyone being separated from God because of sin, it would be terrible news. But God is full of love, mercy, and grace and He wants to be glorified. So He provided a way for people to be forgiven and made right with Him again.

Palm Sunday

Thank you to our children for triumphantly waving their palms this Sunday! Click HERE to view the service.