K-2nd Grade- Wisdom is in making the right choice. Some things seem good, but are not good for us, like Candy Corn. Corn is healthy and good for us, but candy corn, is really just CANDY. We can trust God to help us make wise choices about other things that seem good, but are not good for us. October …
Children’s Ministry Sunday School Snip-It (October 23, 2016)
Yesterday we continued the journey to Jesus as we picked up after the angel Gabriel announced to Mary that she would be the mother of God’s Son, Jesus, although she was a virgin. Gabriel said with God all things are possible. Mary’s relative Elizabeth was also pregnant though Elizabeth was barren and well past childbearing age. Mary hurried to visit …
Daylight Savings – November 6, 2016
Don’t forget to set your clocks back an hour on Sunday, November 6 for Daylight Savings!
Sunday’s Coming ~ October 23, 2016
This week’s message helps answer the question, “How will you live on November 9?” Why that day? It’s the first day after the United States election for President. The ads will end, the pre-vote rhetoric will be over, and somebody will win. And, according to polls, over half the country will be mad, no matter who wins. Neither leading candidate …
Haiti Christmas Project
This year for our Christmas project we are again collecting Christmas presents for Haitian children through the UCI Ministry. This is similar to Operation Christmas Child, except we will be filling a two gallon sized plastic bag with gift items for the child, along with $5.00 to help cover shipping. We will have sign ups available at church where you …
This Week In Lighthouse Kids (Oct. 19, 2016)
K-2nd Grade- This week we continue to look at wisdom. Specifically this week we look at the story of Jesus and Lazarus in Luke 16 The Rich Man and Lazarus. The kids will talk about what it looks like and means to make room for God in their life. October Memory Verse: Proverbs 9:10 “The fear of the Lord …
Children’s Ministry Sunday School Snip-It (Oct 16, 2016)
Yesterday in Sunday school John’s Birth was predicted. While Zechariah was offering incense to God in the temple, an angel appeared and told Zechariah that he would have a son, and the boy’s name would be John. The angel told Zechariah that God’s Spirit would be with John. John would get people ready for the Lord’s coming and turn them …
Sunday’s Coming ~ October 16, 2016
This week’s “trustworthy saying” fuels our hope in God in times of suffering, sorrow, and setbacks. Have you ever wondered if following Jesus is worth it? Where in your life are you overwhelmed with wondering if you can make it through? This week’s saying may just be used by God give you courage, hope, and peace.
Hurricane Matthew Haiti Update
Here is the latest update we have received from our Haiti Missionaries JeanJean & Kristie Mompremier: “The opening of the university gives us reason to celebrate and we desperately need this since the death toll of hurricane Matthew keeps mounting. It’s heartbreaking to think about so many people who lost loved ones, who are homeless, and who are hungry and …
College Lunch Food Volunteers
We are hosting a College Lunch on Sunday, October 30th and we are in need of 40 volunteers to provide hot or cold side dishes (to serve at least 10-12 servings), and 8 volunteers to provide 3 dozen cookies. You can sign up online HERE. Food can be dropped off that Sunday morning, and you are not required to help …