On Sunday, Pastor Brian Keepers (Orange City campus) and Pastor Kurt Bush (Hospers campus) preached from Philippians 3:1-11. We live in a culture that says “Winning is everything!” But Paul shows us how the Gospel turns this on its head and insists that the secret to living with joy is actually losing. It is only in taking up the cross and losing what we most value (including our very lives) that we finally find true life and joy!
Hospers Campus: View the bulletin // View the livestream
Orange City Campus: View the bulletin // View the livestream
This Week at Trinity
Orange City Campus
Perspectives & Conversations on Same-Sex Relationships: Join us at Trinity for a six-week series exploring perspectives and engaging in conversations related to same-sex relationships. We will meet on Wednesday nights from 6:15-7:45 March 11 – April 15. We’ll explore the theology of the body and the different Christian perspectives on same-sex relationships. Let’s consider creating a safe and courageous space, with a posture of listening and love. How might we hold to a global, historical view of Scripture and love our sexual minority brothers and sisters well? For further information or to register, please visit our online sign up.
Hospers Campus
Spaghetti Supper Fundraiser: We invite you to join us at the Hospers campus on Sunday, March 15 from 5-7pm to support our youth as they raise money for summer camp and youth activities. We plan to serve spaghetti, french bread, a lettuce salad, and a variety of desserts!
Banquet Service Opportunity: On Saturday, March 21, Trinity will serve at The Banquet in Sioux Falls. We need around 25-30 volunteers to help serve, as well as monetary donations to purchase the food. You can sign up to serve online or at the Welcome Center. Please label your donation checks with “The Banquet” in the memo and bring to the church office.
“Painting Beautiful” Women’s Gathering: Join us on April 4 where we engage the creativity the Creator has given us. As we contemplate spring and its emerging beauty, we remember that God makes all things beautiful at the right time and in His time. Joan Brower will lead us in painting canvases, there will be a time of reflection on Scripture and light refreshments will be served. Cost is $15 to cover the painting supplies. This event is for women ages 15 and up. Please register online by March 23 so we can save you a spot.
Empowered to Connect: Empowered to Connect is a simulcast designed to help parents, caregivers, educators, ministry leaders and professionals better understand how to create safe healing places for children and youth impacted by adoption and foster care. Join us at Trinity on March 23, March 30, April 6, and April 13 from 6:30-9:30pm. Each session costs $5. Childcare is available (but please sign up ahead of time). Register to attend any or all of the sessions online or at the Welcome Center.