Sunday Recap – June 30

Yesterday was the fifth Sunday in our sermon series God’s Story, Our Story. Pastor Brian Keepers preached from Hebrews 11:23-29, exploring the story of Moses as he shows us that “walking by faith” is a call to courage when the pressure is on and our faith is under fire.

Worship: You can view the sermon and Sunday morning worship by clicking HERE.

Bulletin: Find a link to the bulletin HERE.


Sponsor a Tree: As we get ready to celebrate our 100 year anniversary, we are offering an opportunity to sponsor a tree or plant on the church property. There are a variety of types and prices of plants to choose from. We encourage you to sponsor a tree or plant in memory of a loved one or to be a blessing for future generations. You can select a tree or plant to sponsor HERE. We will plant these trees early this fall, at a date TBD. Those who sponsor a tree/bush will not be required to help plant, but may assist with the process if they would like.

Seeking a Hospers Campus Pastor: As we continue to move toward enfolding with Hospers in January, we are searching for a campus pastor to provide missional leadership at the Hospers Campus. This campus pastor will have a certain level of autonomy yet be connected to a dynamic staff at Trinity Church. We are looking for someone who has gifts in preaching and teaching, is highly relational, and is passionate about reaching others who don’t know Christ and making a kingdom impact in the region. A job description and application instructions are available at

Reading in the Park: The Conexiones Team at Trinity has organized a kid’s summer reading program that meets on Thursday mornings at 10am in the Candlelight Village Mobile Home Park. We are looking for volunteers willing to come and read with kids for an hour each week – middle school & high school students, this includes you! (Even if you are not able to come every week, we still welcome your help.) If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Ashley Stanislav:

The Good & Beautiful God: Sundays at 10:30am in Adult Rooms 3&4. “The Good and Beautiful God: Falling in Love with the God Jesus Knows”. This transformative class will help you discover the narratives that Jesus lived by – to know the Lord he knew and the kingdom he proclaimed – and to practice spiritual exercises that will help you grow in the knowledge of our good and beautiful God. This class will be offered through August 4.

100 Years of Trinity

Trinity’s 100th Anniversary: Save the date for a celebration on Sunday, July 14 as we recognize and celebrate all that God has done at Trinity in the last 100 years! The celebration will start at 4pm with outdoor yard games & inflatables, followed by a picnic meal at 5pm. Please bring a dessert or salad to share, we’ll provide the rest. We’ll end the night with a concert at 7pm featuring the Brown Family. The community is invited to join us for this concert. 

Trinity Story Wall: In celebration of Trinity’s 100th anniversary this summer, we are going to collect & share stories from the last 100 years of Trinity. We’re doing this through the Trinity Story Wall (located outside the sanctuary). We encourage you to share your stories and memories of how God has been at work through Trinity. It could be a memory of something as simple as green carpet. It might be an experience you had or a way in which your faith was formed. We invite you to visit the story wall, take a slip of paper, write your memories, and pin them on the wall for others to see. If you are unable to visit Trinity and pin your story or memory on the wall, please email with your story and we’ll pin it for you. We all have a story to share. What’s yours?