Sunday Recap – April 28

Yesterday was the first Sunday in our sermon series As You Go. Pastor Brian Keepers preached from Matthew 28:16-20, exploring with us what it means that all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Jesus, and his command to make disciples “as we go.”

Worship: You can view the sermon and Sunday morning worship by clicking HERE.

Bulletin: Find a link to the bulletin HERE.

This Week at Trinity

Loving My Immigrant Neighbor: Join us on Tuesday, April 30 from 7-8:30pm in the fellowship hall for a conversation with Mark Prosser, Storm Lake Police Chief, to hear how Storm Lake has grown to embrace it’s ever-growing immigrant population. We’ll learn how Storm Lake is thriving together as a diverse community, and dream about how Orange City can also do so.

Trinity Brunch – May 5: New people step through the doors of Trinity every week. We celebrate the many people that God is bringing to the church, but we know that sometimes it can be hard to get plugged in. The Trinity Brunch is an opportunity for those who have been coming more recently to Trinity to meet some staff and other leaders as well as get connected with others who are new to Trinity. We hope you will join us on Sunday, May 5 at 10:50 in the fellowship hall.

2019/2020 Consistory Voting: Voting for the 2019/2020 Consistory will happen on Sunday morning, May 5. Members can vote YES or NO before or after any of the worship services. At the congregational meeting, Leadership Team slate members draw lots to determine who serves.

Annual Congregational Meeting: A 30-minute meeting immediately following the last worship service on Sunday, May 5. We’ll share with you some ministry “wins” from this past year and also information about next steps with the enfolding process with First Reformed Church in Hospers. We’ll also report on the voting results for the new consistory members and our 2019/20 budget.


Part-Time Director of Adult Discipleship: With Pastor Bob’s role shifting to Pastor of Congregational Care and Missions, Trinity is searching for a part-time Director of Adult Discipleship (25-30 hours/week). The purpose of this role is to facilitate and implement a vision for adult discipleship, which includes equipping leaders and leading our Life Group ministry. A job description is available at If you are interested or know of someone who is, a resume or ministerial profile, along with a letter of interest, can be submitted to Pastor Brian (

Summer VBS: Registration for Trinity’s VBS “Roar!” is now open for children ages 4 years old (by June 1) through entering 6th grade in the fall of 2019. VBS dates are June 10-13 from 9-11:30am. Register kids for VBS or volunteer to serve HERE.

Women’s Walking Group: We meet in the church parking lot at 5:45am on Tuesday and Thursday mornings to walk around the golf course together. We only cancel if it’s raining. When school lets out for the summer we’ll discuss a later start time.

Lost and Found: The lost and found bins at Trinity are overflowing! We have all sorts of kids clothes, Bibles, coffee mugs, water bottles, hats, etc. We encourage you to stop in and see if something is yours. The lost and found bins are located in our main office, just past the front desks. (If you lost your ring this Sunday, please email to identify it.)

100 Years of Trinity

Trinity’s 100th Anniversary: Save the date for a celebration on Sunday, July 14 as we recognize and celebrate all that God has done at Trinity in the last 100 years!

Trinity Story Wall: In celebration of Trinity’s 100th anniversary this summer, we are going to collect & share stories from the last 100 years of Trinity. We’re doing this through the Trinity Story Wall (located outside the sanctuary). We encourage you to share your stories and memories of how God has been at work through Trinity. It could be a memory of something as simple as green carpet. It might be an experience you had or a way in which your faith was formed. We invite you to visit the story wall, take a slip of paper, write your memories, and pin them on the wall for others to see. If you are unable to visit Trinity and pin your story or memory on the wall, please email with your story and we’ll pin it for you. We all have a story to share. What’s yours?

Here are just a few of the stories & memories that were pinned to the story wall on Sunday:

“Marietta Vandersall invited us to church and two years later prayed as an elder over my daughter’s baptism.”

“I’m thankful for a church that has made me feel so welcome from day 1. I didn’t start going until my second semester at Dordt and felt right at home! I am so incredibly thankful for the love and hospitality of so many and especially for the Howe family and inviting me to celebrate Easter! Trinity truly is a second family to me.”

“The high school mission trip to Mescalero in 2013. Every single person on that trip was transformed & renewed in the Spirit. It was a trip I will never forget.”

“I am thankful to the Koets for inviting us to Trinity. Their continued prayers & neighborly friendship is what brought us to our Trinity family. I am forever grateful to them.”

“Jeff & Karen Barker for bringing me here and being role models to me.”

“The family mission trip to Troy, Montana is a memorable time for our family. Our kids talked about it for years. A lot of good friendships were made. It was great sharing this with our kids.”

“I am thankful for the relationships that have been fostered through my time at Trinity. The conversations that are fostered & the relationships that grow during weekly time here have been a blessing.”

“The example of faith & discipleship demonstrated by Ralph Mouw.”

“I’ll always remember the mission trip to Kentucky. With us being the youngest couple that went, we met some elderly members we probably wouldn’t have much contact with. Great friendships & memories were made on that trip.”