Monday’s Here July 27

Don’t forget to come join us tonight, Monday, July 27 as we will be hosting the Japanese Handbell Choir.  The concert will be in the sanctuary from 7-8:30 p.m.  A free-will offering for the choir will be received.


If you missed worship, you can always view it by clicking HERE.  Yesterday we learned from Haggai.  Next week we will be in Zechariah.


Calling all men and women! We are planning to do a church-wide deep cleaning Aug 3-5 and Aug 10-12 with cleaning shifts from Noon-8:00 p.m. each day.  It will be similar to the big clean we did before moving in the building.  Childcare will not be provided.

You can sign-up online, click HERE, or you can call the church office at 737-4542 /


Don’t forget about this great family opportunity on Tuesday evenings July 28, Aug 4, 11, and 18 from 6:30-8:00 pm ~ starting tomorrow night! We will be having some fun family activities outside on the lawn (moving inside if inclement weather).  All are welcome – bring your friends!  Contact Kristin Brouwer at 737-4542 if you have any questions.


The first Mom Monday was great this morning! Attached are a few photos ~ be sure to plan on joining us Aug 3, 10, and 17 from 9:00-10:30 a.m. We are offering a time for moms and women of Trinity to come enjoy coffee and fellowship.  Coffee and refreshments in the Cafe area ~ childcare will be provided.  Contact Kristin Brouwer at 737-4542 if you have any questions.


We’ve been praying for the De Boom family.  Tim was raised in Orange City and lives in Orlando, Florida.  He has been dealing off and on with a brain tumor for several years.  Recently, he had major surgery in Boston.  And his folks, Bill and Sherri are praising God for the results.  Here is an update:

The doctor was going into surgery hoping to get 50% of the tumor but Sherri reports that they ended up getting 85 – 90% of the tumor.  There are little “fingers” left of the tumor but it is slow growing and they are thrilled that the doctor was able to get so much more than originally anticipated.  They are not seeing any negative side effects from this surgery.  They don’t know yet about the peripheral vision, which is a concern given the location of the surgery.  Right now Bill & Sherri are in Florida taking care of their 2 granddaughters and they’ll be there until at least Friday