Sunday’s Coming ~ June 28, 2015

Hi-Fi Bulletin Cover lo-resThis week we’ll hear from Obadiah. I’ve never preached on Obadiah! So, this is going to be fun. It’s a one-chapter book with only 21 verses. Read it today, and you’ll have one Bible book down and 65 to go!

Obadiah’s book is really a vision he had from God about Judah’s neighbors – people called “Edomites.” They are distant relatives to the people Judah, but they did nothing to help Judah when the Babylonians attacked. In fact, they stood by cheering and even joined in the looting.

Studying the book this week left me with two questions: the first is “What is it like to be hung out to dry by someone you know?” The second may surprise you. It did me. In fact, it rocked my world. Lean in with me and listen for it.

Also, Kristin Brouwer and Tara Woodward will share about an experience they are working on with missionary Marlin Vis for a trip to Israel next summer.

See you Sunday,

~Pastor Jon

Going to be gone? You can worship with us live on our Webcast – click HERE

You can also view past services in their entirety – click HERE

Our Youth Sunday School is 10:20-11:20 a.m. for ages K-5th Grade will be meeting in the Kid’s Area.

Our Adult Sunday School Opportunities this week are:

  • God’s Great Story (Adult Rooms 3 & 4) 10:20-11:20 a.m.
    • This Adult Sunday School opportunity will be going until the end of June.  The study is called God’s Great Story, and we will be walking through the New Testament together. 
  • Sunday School Guide (Adult Room 1)  10:10-10:50 a.m.
    • This week we will be studying Lesson 42 on the topic of: Punishment, Iniquity, and Mourning.


We celebrate with Jake & Sara Nessa with the birth and adoption of Cobie Grace, who was born on Tuesday, June 23rd.


Please be in prayer for John Vander Stelt, Bruce Vander Stelt’s father, who is struggling with leukemia and undergoing continued treatments.

Also please remember in your prayers those on the Haiti Mission Trip from June 25 – July 3; Andrea Anderson, Angie Boersma, Pat Brenneman, Madalyn Christy, Michelle Christy, Jordan Heemstra, Jamie Jongerius, Mattie Ostrowski, Brady Schutt, Bruce Schutt, Michael Stokes, Roman Stokes, Breanna Ten Clay, Jaycee Vander Berg, Alyssa Vander Stelt, and Bruce Vander Stelt.