Sunday’s Coming ~ June 7, 2015

Hi-Fi Bulletin Cover lo-resThis week is the third Sunday in our summer worship series “Hi-Fi.” Last week we looked at Jonah and the message God had for the people of Israel and for us through that prophet. This week we’ll look at the last minor prophet – Malachi.
The message we found in Jonah was simply this: you can run from God, but you can’t outrun God. He will wait for you. He will chase you. He will pursue you. He will set events in motion that work toward bringing you back to Him.

In the book of Malachi there are a series of questions that are being asked of God, or by God, throughout the book – How do you love us God?  How do we despise you God?  How do we weary God?  How are we to return to God?

Where are you at with God? 

Are you delighting in him, or does he feel distant from you?

As we journey through life we can often wonder why the life of faith we entered into has not met our hopes and expectations for how it would turn out.  In response we can let our faith slip.  We can argue and complain against God.  We can place our faith on the back-burner.  We can turn away from God completely.  The book of Malachi speaks to a people who are going through the same kinds of questions and concerns.  Join us this week to hear what God wants to communicate to us to call us to the life he has for us.

Going to be gone? You can worship with us live on our Webcast – click HERE

You can also view past services in their entirety – click HERE

Our Adult Sunday School Opportunities this week are:

  • God’s Great Story (Adult Rooms 3 & 4) 10:20-11:20 a.m.
    • This Adult Sunday School opportunity will be going until the end of June.  The study is called God’s Great Story, and we will be walking through the New Testament together. 
  • Sunday School Guide (Adult Room 1)  10:10-10:50 a.m.
    • This week we will be studying Lesson 39 on the topic of: Punishment


This is the last week to get registered for Trinity’s VBS Summer Kids Adventure.  If you haven’t already signed your children up, please do ~ and be sure to invite your neighbors and friends as well!  click HERE

For more information about this years VBS Summer Kids Adventure, and to sign your children up, click HERE or you can call the church at 737-4542.

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GForceVBS promo from Trinity Reformed Church on Vimeo.