Monday’s Here

What are you going to do with the rest of your life?  God may, of course, call you to go to the ends of the earth, but he’s just as likely to send you across the room.  In preaching through Matthew 10, we’ve noticed a simple model for figuring out what comes next:

  • See what Jesus sees.
  • Feel what Jesus feels.
  • Pray what Jesus prays.
  • Receive what Jesus gives.
  • Say what Jesus said.
  • Do what Jesus did.

So, what about you?  What are seeing as you walk through your day and week?  How might God invite you, and empower you, to announce and demonstrate the reign of his kingdom in the places you find yourself?

In case you missed worship or want to watch it again, you can view our archive online.  Click HERE.

And here are two more links for stories Pastor Jon referenced yesterday:

  • For the story on the Egyptian Coptic Christians, click HERE.
  • For the story about the Pakistani churches being attacked, click HERE.


  • 6:30 p.m. – Rainbow Club
  • 6:30 p.m. – Amistad Bible Study
  • 6:30 p.m. – Ignite Middle School Youth Group
  • 8:00 p.m. – Collide High School Youth Group
  • 8:30 p.m. – VP3 – Year 1

** The Women’s Bible Study “When Jesus Sees” will NOT be meeting this Wednesday night.


This session was a new one for most boys and girls. Recall the last time you sat and read the Book of Leviticus. What does it mean? Why did God give all these rules? God gave rules for sacrifice to show people how to worship Him and how to be forgiven of the sin they had committed. Why did God require a sacrifice of blood? Simply, God is holy and because of that His forgiveness requires a sacrifice. The Book of Romans teaches us that the penalty for sin is death. The sacrifice offered stood instead for the one who had sinned.

The ultimate example of a substitution for sin is of course, Jesus Christ. Christ died on the cross for the sins of all. Christ died so that sinners wouldn’t have to die for their sin. The rules of Leviticus were given to help people know they could not live in right relationship with God apart from sacrifice. We today are free from following the rules of sacrifice because we trust in Jesus who perfectly obeyed the law. Our faith in Christ is what cleanses us from the sin in our lives.

Click HERE for a link to this weeks Gospel Project Family Journal Page.


Gforce Summer Kids Adventure 2015Summer Kid’s Adventure will be June 8-11, 2015. For three nights at G-Force Summer Kids Adventure, kids will explore how to put their faith into action.  Kids will experience God’s unstoppable love and discover how to fuel up and move in and through life with God.  This is for kids ages 5-5th grade. Join us June 8-10 from 6-8:00 p.m. and June 11 for a closing family celebration and picnic from 6-7:30 p.m. Sign-up online, click HERE. Or you can sign-up at the Welcome Center on Sundays or by calling the church office during office hours at 737-4542. Please contact Kristin Brouwer at 737-4542 with any questions.


Walk Through the Bible NEW TestamentOn Sunday April 12, Walk Through The Bible New Testament will be coming to Trinity!  The first session will be as a congregation during morning worship, and the afternoon session will continue from 1:00-4:45pm.  There will be a lunch at noon and snacks for those who sign-up and attend both sessions. Sign-up online, click HERE. Or you can sign-up at the Welcome Center on Sunday or by calling the church office during office hours at 737-4542. Please contact Mike Callagy at 712-541-3110 with questions.  Click HERE for more information.


From April 12-May 10 we will be having three Worship Services each Sunday.  Starting times will be 8:30am, 9:50am, and 11:10am.  Sunday School for all ages will be during the 9:50am service. Children & Worship will be dismissed during the 8:30am and 11:10am services.


If you want to fill out a bracket in our bracket challenge, click HERE.  The password for our league is “packers.”