Sunday’s Coming ~ March 15, 2015

Follow VertThis Sunday, just as the disciples are wrapping their minds around Jesus giving them authority to heal the sick, raise the the dead, cleanse lepers, and cast out demons — just when this is going to look like a lot of fun, Jesus lays out the cost for following.

Ouch. Betrayal by family, rejection by the community, beatings, and yes, even death.

Very few among us will ever experience that kind of cost in following Jesus.  So, what does it mean for us?  What is Jesus asking of us as we hear these verses?  Lean in with me to this amazing text. Let’s grow together.

And there’s more to our day! At the 8:45 service, we’ll celebrate the baptism of Joslyn Weber.  At the 11:00 service we’ll hear stories of Spring Break.

With you for the King!

~ Pastor Jon

Our Sunday Morning services start at 8:45 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.

Children and Youth Sunday School will meet between services, 10:00-10:50 a.m.

Children and Worship Children ages 5 through 1st grade will be dismissed during the service and can be picked up after church in the Kid’s Area.

Our Adult Sunday School Opportunities this week are:

  • The Life You Have Always Wanted (Adult Rooms 3&4)
    • This weeks topic: Fasting.  Ever wonder why Jesus expects his followers to fast at different times but how few people today actually do this? Come out to Adult Rooms 3-4 to learn about this practice, why it can be a great blessing to your spiritual life, and how you could take steps to incorporate this into your life.
  • Questions of Life (Fellowship Hall)
    • This weeks topic: Spring Service Project Sharing. This Sunday we are blessed to hear reports and sharing from students and adult leaders who have return from various spring service projects.  Plan to come to the Fellowship Hall to hear how God is at work in these places and in these participants.  You will be blessed.
  • Sunday School Guide (Adult Room 1)

Going to be gone? You can worship with us live on our Webcast – click HERE

You can also view past services in their entirety – click HERE


Are you still prayerfully considering this June 25 – July 2 to Haiti?  Plan to come to the initial meeting this Sunday, March 15 at 6:00 p.m. in the Youth Room to hear more about this.  Feel free to contact Sara Nessa at  if you have any questions.  A $100 deposit is due by this meeting.


Easter lilyTrinity is planning the annual memorial of lilies again for Easter Sunday.  You may also contribute a lily in honor of someone special to you.  If you would like to participate, be sure to fill out the insert found in your bulletin last week, or again this Sunday, and turn it in with your $14.00 payment by this Sunday, March 15th.  Your name and the name of the person in whose memory or honor the lily is given will be published in the bulletin on Easter morning.  You will be able to take your lily home following the 2nd service on Easter Sunday.


Gforce Summer Kids Adventure 2015Summer Kid’s Adventure will be June 8-11, 2015. For three nights at G-Force Summer Kids Adventure, kids will explore how to put their faith into action.  Kids will experience God’s unstoppable love and discover how to fuel up and move in and through life with God.  This is for kids ages 5-5th grade. Join us June 8-10 from 6-8:00 p.m. and June 11 for a closing family celebration and picnic from 6-7:30 p.m. Sign-up online, click HERE. Or you can sign-up at the Welcome Center on Sundays or by calling the church office during office hours at 737-4542. Please contact Kristin Brouwer at 737-4542 with any questions.


Walk Through the Bible NEW TestamentOn Sunday April 12, Walk Through The Bible New Testament will be coming to Trinity!  The first session will be as a congregation during morning worship, and the afternoon session will continue from 1:00-4:45pm.  There will be a lunch at noon and snacks for those who sign-up and attend both sessions. Sign-up online, click HERE. Or you can sign-up at the Welcome Center on Sunday or by calling the church office during office hours at 737-4542. Please contact Mike Callagy at 712-541-3110 with questions.  Click HERE for more information.


From April 12-May 10 we will be having three Worship Services each Sunday.  Starting times will be 8:30am, 9:50am, and 11:10am.  Sunday School for all ages will be during the 9:50am service. Children & Worship will be dismissed during the 8:30am and 11:10am services.