Monday’s Here

If you missed worship, you can view the service by clicking HERE.


  • 6:30 p.m. – Rainbow Club
  • 6:30 p.m.  – “When Jesus Sees” Women’s Bible Study
  • 6:30 p.m. – Amistad Bible Study
  • 6:30 p.m. – Ignite Middle School Youth Group
  • 8:00 p.m. – Collide High School Youth Group
  • 8:30 p.m. – VP3 – Year 1

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Congratulations to Troy and Laura Bosma on the birth of their daughter, Evelyn Kate, who was born on Thursday, February 19th.


After being slaves in Egypt for hundreds of years, the Israelite people were finally free. It sure didn’t take them long after they left Egypt to start complaining about their circumstances! Think of a time you have faced difficult circumstances and you didn’t respond the way you should have. What could you have done differently?

Trapped between a great expanse of water and an approaching army, Moses again—by God’s help—led the Israelite people to victory. God used Moses to part the waters, allowing His people to walk through on dry ground. Imagine the scene. Pretend with your kids that you are standing on the banks of the sea when it begins to split apart. Talk about what you would be feeling. How would the air smell? How would the ground feel?

God created a way for the Israelite people to escape the harsh treatment of the Egyptian taskmasters. Just as God provided a way of salvation for His people from Egypt, He does the same for His people today. God provided physical salvation for the Israelites, but today, He offers spiritual salvation through the person of Jesus Christ.

Click HERE for a link to this weeks Gospel Project Family Journal Page.

Walk Through the Bible NEW TestamentWALK THROUGH THE BIBLE

On Sunday April 12, Walk Through The Bible New Testament will be coming to Trinity!  The first session will be as a congregation during morning worship, and the afternoon session will continue from 1:00-4:45pm.  There will be a lunch at noon and snacks for those who sign-up and attend both sessions. Sign-up online, click HERE. Or you can sign-up at the Welcome Center on Sunday. Please contact Mike Callagy at 712-541-3110 with questions.


If you have come to Trinity in the last number of months and want to hear more about the church, or what it means to become a member, please plan on attending a Welcome Lunch on Sunday, March 1, in the Fellowship Hall.  The meal will be a light one consisting of soup, bread, drinks, and dessert.  In order for us to know how much food to prepare, please sign up online, click HERE. Or call the church office at 737-4542 by Wednesday, Feb. 25th, if you will be attending, and let us know how many will be coming from your family.