
We spent 6 weeks reflecting on what it means to have a “sabbath heart” and live a sabbath way of life. “Come to me,” Jesus says (Matthew 11), “and you will find rest for your souls.”

Certainly a life of discipleship is a call to rest our hearts in Jesus. But there’s more to Jesus’ call and invitation. It’s also to “take up my yoke” and “follow me.” Living and leading out of a place of rest is about taking up Jesus’ yoke (teaching) and learning from him. As John Mark Comer says, we can only have the life of Jesus if we adopt the lifestyle of Jesus. “How would Jesus live if he was living my life?”

This season of Lent, leading up to Holy Week and Easter, is a call and invitation to take up “the Jesus way,” recognizing that the heart of discipleship is about being with Jesus and being his apprentice, learning to walk in his way in our ordinary, everyday lives.

The Gospel of Luke will be our guide–the story that helps us get into the life and lifestyle of Jesus as we seek to follow him with joy and faithfulness.

How to Engage
