Sunday’s Coming ~ July 2, 2017

Preaching this week is Chuck Van Engen. 

Chuck and his wife, Jean, serve in partnership with the Evangelical University of the Americas and Latin American Christian Ministries, Inc.

Food Pantry Distribution

On Saturday, July 8, Trinity will be participating in the Food Pantry Distribution at Orange City American Reformed Church (407 Albany Ave SE), starting at 8:30 a.m. Come help bless several families in our community with the gift of food.  If you are able to help package and deliver please sign up online HERE.

Clothe A Child Drive

This year Trinity will be supporting the Clothe-A-Child Drive again. This is a drive which will help ten elementary students within local school districts to be able to have new clothes for the 2016/2017 school year.  You can sign-up at church on Sunday July 9, 2017.You will need to return your purchases, with a gift receipt, to church by Sunday, July …

Sunday’s Coming ~ June 25, 2017

Preaching this week is Troy Van Beek

Troy is a Regional Coordinator of Development for the Reformed Church in America. He spends much of his time traveling throughout the Synod of the Heartland building relationships between local congregations and the denomination. He has pastored churches in Fremont, MI and Sheldon, IA.

He and Pam live on the north side of LeMars and have been married for 27 years. Their daughter Courtney will be a senior at Northwestern College this fall.

“You Are Free” Women’s Bible Study

Women you are invited to join us for a 6 week Bible Study “You Are Free.”  This study is based on the book by author and speaker, Rebekah Lyons. Dates: July 17, 24, 31, August 7, 14, 21Time: 7-8:15 p.m.Location: Rooms 3&4Cost: $15.00 Sign up online HERE.Sign up deadline is July 14th Watch a short video of Rebekah Lyon’s on …

Community BBX ~ Backyard Bible Explore

“Children of the Light” is the Community BBX theme this summer and will be July 17-19 from 6:30-8 p.m. in Orange City area backyards. Your help is needed! You will have opportunities to donate supplies, snacks and/or sign up to serve during the time of BBX. See the display table we have set up in the Fellowship Hall. Children entering …

Sunday’s Coming ~ June 18, 2017

Preaching this week is Ben Vos.

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand just how powerful words can be. In so many ways, what we say has the power to build up or tear down. Indeed, the influence we have just with our words is tremendous.

In Proverbs, Solomon paints the picture of two ways to live on Earth – a righteous way and a wicked way. The entire book of Proverbs is an illustration of the differences between walking righteously and walking wickedly. And spread throughout the book are these smaller examples and pictures of what it looks like to take the righteous or the wicked path. One such example is the connection between our hearts and our words.

In this week’s passage, we’ll look at this smaller picture of hearts and words, and hopefully understand the bigger picture Solomon alludes to: the way of the righteous and the way of the wicked. That’s the context in which Solomon shares with us his wisdom on hearts and words. And we’ll use some New Testament examples of these principles to help flesh out Solomon’s intent.

Festival Latino 2017

You are invited to come out to celebrate and support our neighbors, friends, and the wonderful residents of our community at the Festival Latino.  This event will be on Wednesday, June 28 from 5:00-8:15pm at the Windmill Park in Orange City.  For more information click HERE. It will be a wonderful night of food, music, and Latino culture.  We are …

Haiti Mission Trip Highlights

Ten members from Northwestern College men’s basketball team served in Haiti from May 29 to June 6.  This team taught P.E. classes every morning to elementary students, worked on the Presume (pronounced like resume) house, taught English in the afternoon and played basketball / developed relationships with the university students who love basketball.  They also had shipped and installed two …

Sunday’s Coming ~ June 11, 2017

Preaching this week is Ann Bilbrew.

Ann is the campus pastor for Living Springs Community Church in Riverdale, Illinois. She also is a social worker for the Cook County court system, helping people to access and leverage available resources for their needs. She has a particular focus on women and families in crisis and leads a team at Circle Ministry which offers a way out that is empowering, not enabling. She actively addresses thorny issues of racism and helps churches explore the richness of multi-cultural worship.

And she is a mom to Brittany and Josh, who have encouraged and supported her to follow God’s call in ministry.