On Saturday, November 18, Trinity will be participating in the Food Pantry packaging and distribution at American Reformed Church (407 Albany Ave SE, Orange City), starting at 8:30 a.m. Come help bless families in our community with the gift of food before Thanksgiving. Sign Up online HERE.
Daylight Savings Ends November 5
Daylight Savings ends on Sunday, November 5 ~ don’t forget to set your clocks back an hour!
First Step ~ November 5, 2017
Are you new to Trinity? Would you like to learn more about Trinity and get connected with other new guests? Join us Sunday, November 5th from 11:00-12:10 p.m. in Adult Room 2. If you have any questions please contact Julie Andersen at: juliekandersen87@gmail.com
Sunday’s Coming ~ October 15, 2017
This fall we are engaging the book of Exodus in our worship. The story of the exodus stands squarely in the Hebrew Scriptures as the great defining demonstration of God’s power, love and faithfulness. But the journey of the Israelites out of bondage and into the promised land was not just about Moses or even the Hebrew people, but God orchestrated the whole thing to show the world who He is, and that there is no other God like Him.
This week we look at the story of the Exodus, and the question remains, “How is God using the journey that we are on, to not only deliver us and reveal to us who God is, but so that the world may know?”
Women’s Ministry Pallet Painting Event
The Women’s Ministry will be hosting a small pallet painting event led by Roberta Pottebaum on Thursday, October 19, at 6:30p.m. Due to space restrictions, we can only accommodate 20 people, so please sign up right away if you are interested! There are many design, price, and size options available. Sign up online HERE to RESERVE YOUR SPOT. If you …
College Lunch Volunteers Needed (Oct 29)
We are hosting a College Lunch on Sunday, October 29th. We are in need of 50 volunteers to provide hot or cold side dishes (to serve at least 10-15 servings each), and 8 volunteers to help clean up (to arrive by 12:45 pm). Sign up online HERE. Food can be dropped off that Sunday morning by 11:45 am, and you are not …
College Lunch – October 29, 2017
College Students you are invited to a College Lunch on Sunday, October 29, 2017. The lunch will start at 12:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Invite your friends and come enjoy a time of connection and conversation!
Sunday’s Coming ~ October 8, 2017
This fall we are engaging in the book of Exodus in our worship. The story of the exodus stands squarely in the Hebrew Scriptures as the great defining demonstration of God’s power, love and faithfulness. But the journey of the Israelites out of bondage and into the promised land was not just about Moses or even the Hebrew people, but God orchestrated the whole thing to show the world who He is, and that there is no other God like Him.
This week we look at the story of the Exodus, and the question remains, “How is God using the journey that we are on, to not only deliver us and reveal to us who God is, but so that the world may know?”
Margaret Hubers Funeral
We extend our sympathies to the family of Margaret Hubers who passed away on Wednesday, October 4, 2017. There will be a funeral service on Saturday, October 7, at 10:30am, at Trinity Reformed Church in Orange City. Rev. Dr. Brian Keepers and Rev. Donald Lenderink will officiate. Interment will follow the service at the West Lawn Cemetery in Orange City. Visitation …
Women’s Ministry Apple Orchard Outing
Ladies, a group will be leaving from Trinity at 9:00 a.m. Saturday, October 14, to head up to the Country Apple Orchard near Sioux Falls for a couple of hours. If you would like to travel with us, please sign up online HERE All are welcome to join you! Please contact Ashley Stanislav at:ashley.stanislav@gmail.com with any questions.