Sunday’s Coming ~ April 1, 2018

This week Pastor Brian Keepers will focus on the topic of: Peace Be With You. We live in a world that often feels overwhelming and chaotic.  The temptation is to be held captive by our fear and pain, to hide behind the closed doors of safety and security.  But what if there is a more hopeful and courageous way to live?  What if there is a peace that transcends all understanding?  A peace that heals our deepest wounds, sets us free from our greatest fears, releases us from all bitterness, and makes it possible for us to become who God designed us to be?  What if there is a peace that is making all things new?  This is the good news of Easter.  The tomb is empty!  The living Jesus stands among us today and says: “Peace be with you!”

Sunday’s Coming ~ March 25, 2018

Is there more to being a Christian than going to church and trying to be a good person?  Is following Christ simply about believing all the right things or performing all the right rituals?

At Trinity we believe that the answer is an emphatic, “Yes!”  God calls us into a journey of “becoming,” not just one of believing or doing.

We use the word “discipleship” to describe this journey, and over the next several weeks we are going to be exploring some of the key elements of this journey in a series called Rooted.

This week Pastor Brian Keepers will focus on the topic of Don’t Go To Church; Be The Church.  What does it mean to be the church?  Why does the church matter?  Too often we think of the church as a building or a menu of programs.  Or we focus on how the church exists primarily to meet our own wants and needs.  But the Bible teaches us that the church is a body of people who are on mission with God for the sake of the world. Today, as we conclude our “Rooted” series, we’ll explore what it means to not simply “go to church,” but be the church!

Cause For Kenya

Cause for Kenya is a way for Trinity to bless kids in Kenya who cannot afford uniforms in order to go to school. Wednesday during our Journey to the Cross, Maundy Thursday, and Easter Sunday, there will be baked goods available to buy or you can donate to Cause for Kenya. All proceeds will go to uniforms for school.

Connect Track

If you are new to Trinity, we are so glad that you have decided to join us. We know that going to a new church can be intimidating, especially one Trinity’s size, and so we want to help you connect more deeply. Our connect track is a process to help you meet other people, ask questions about the church, and …

Community Good Friday Worship Service

The Maurice-Orange City Ministrial is sponsoring a Community Good Friday Worship service on Friday March, 30th at Immanuel CRC Church in Orange City, IA. The service will be 12:10-12:50 p.m.The focus will be on the 5th Word of Jesus “I Thirst.” Both a financial and non-perishable food offering will be received for the Local Food Pantry.

Holy Week Journey To The Cross

On Wednesday evening and Thursday of Holy Week, March 28 & 29, Trinity will be having an interactive and multi-sensory opportunity designed for both adults and children to experience. During the Journey To The Cross experience you are invited to travel through stations located throughout our Children’s Area during a time, and at a pace, that works best for you …

Sunday’s Coming ~ March 18, 2018

Is there more to being a Christian than going to church and trying to be a good person?  Is following Christ simply about believing all the right things or performing all the right rituals?

At Trinity we believe that the answer is an emphatic, “Yes!”  God calls us into a journey of “becoming,” not just one of believing or doing.

We use the word “discipleship” to describe this journey, and over the next several weeks we are going to be exploring some of the key elements of this journey in a series called Rooted.

This week Pastor Brian Keepers will explored the topic of leading a missional life, including the call to bear witness to our faith – telling God’s story and our own story of transformation.  Many of us can be intimidated by this.  Do I have a story worth telling?  What if I get it wrong?  What if I offend the person?  Through the story of Philip and the Ethiopian eunich, we’ll explore how the call to share our faith is always about joining in on what God is already doing.  It’s also about relationships.  It is only when we practice with-ness (being with others) that we earn an opportunity to bear witness (tell God’s story and our story).  And everybody has a story.  So tell your story.

Holy Week Schedule of Events

HOLY WEEK SCHEDULE OF EVENTS March 25 – Palm Sunday Services at Trinity 8:30 / 9:50 / 11:10 a.m. No K-5th Grade Sunday School There will be 6-12 Grade Sunday School Children & Worship will be dismissing from 8:30 / 9:50 / 11:10 a.m. services Holy Week Journey To the Cross Wednesday, March 28: 6:30 p.m.-9:30 p.m. Thursday, March 29: 9:00 …

Men’s Good Friday Prayer Breakfast

Men, and young men, are invited to attend the 31st annual Good Friday Men’s PrayerBreakfast on March 30th from 6:30 a.m. to 7:45 a.m. at Northwestern Rowenhorst Student Center. Cory Van Sloten is the speaker this year. Cory is a third generation veteran, he serves asthe Chaplain for the 1 st Squadron, 113th Cavalry Regiment, Iowa Army National Guard. Cory’s unique …

Sunday’s Coming ~ March 11, 2018

Is there more to being a Christian than going to church and trying to be a good person?  Is following Christ simply about believing all the right things or performing all the right rituals?

At Trinity we believe that the answer is an emphatic, “Yes!”  God calls us into a journey of “becoming,” not just one of believing or doing.

We use the word “discipleship” to describe this journey, and over the next several weeks we are going to be exploring some of the key elements of this journey in a series called Rooted.

This week Pastor Brian Keepers will focus on the topic of how God calls us to return to Him, to stay rooted in His commands, by giving our tithes and offerings as an act of worship.  When we fail to do this, we are robbing God of what already belongs to him.  But when we are faithful and generous in our giving, God opens up the windows of heaven and rains down his blessings.