Monday’s Here

Make Something Beautiful Two challenges about our worship and work for this week: Observe beauty in someone’s work and acknowledge it in some way. Make something beautiful in your work. We learned that the Hebrew word for work in Genesis 2 is also used for worship in other texts.  Our worship and our work are not as distant as they …

Sunday’s Coming ~ June 15

When did work Start? Sometimes our work is absolutely joy-producing.  That certainly isn’t true every day for every one.  But hopefully it is true some of the time for all of us. I cannot remember a week that I have had more fun and joy in the course of my weekly work.  Uninhibited laughter in a staff meeting, meaningful work …

Midweek at Trinity

Here’s what’s happening this week at Trinity…. Senior Fellowship Tomorrow Our Senior Fellowship meets Thursday at 2:00 p.m.  Join Pastor Jon for a time of refreshments and a first-look at the Open Space Master Plan!  You’ll get to see how pages of ideas were sifted through and prioritized on the remaining acres of land.  Some work has already begun with …

Monday’s Here

Monday’s Here! Not that I doubt the power of God’s Word, but I can honestly say I did not expect the response to the topic on “Worship and Work” to be such a ripe need in people’s lives.  I have been blessed and amazed at the conversations in the last 24 hours – in person, e-mail, even text messages – …

Sunday’s Coming ~ June 8

Ugandans say, “Thank You!” What a joy to speak with Michelle, Julie, and Val today as they “unpacked” some of their recent memories.  They are first of all so thankful for your prayers, which they did indeed feel along the way.  As you might expect, the stories they’ll tell are amazing and beautiful and very moving.  We’ll here more in …

Monday’s Here

Monday’s Here Where are you worshiping today?  I’ve had a number of responses today, from parents rushing off to summer rec to a homeowner with water in the basement.  Worshiping while and where we work is both a challenge and a reward.   Thanks for your active response to yesterday message and the series in general.  I am looking forward …

Sunday’s Coming ~ June 1

Sunday’s Coming Let’s cross that chasm! What chasm?  That giant gap between Sunday morning and Monday morning. We get it – all of life is meant to be a glory to God.  But what does that really look like?  What does the Kingdom of God have to do with my Monday morning commute, my job as a truck driver, my …

Sunday’s Coming ~ May 25

Senior Sunday and Summer Worship Time This Sunday, May 25th, we will be starting our Summer Worship Time. We will have one service, starting at 10:00 a.m. We will also be celebrating Senior Sunday. Please join us as we recognize our 20 seniors with a Bible. There will not be Children in Worship or Children and Youth Sunday School this …

Monday’s Here

Monday’s Here Welcome to life after  Tulip Festival! What fun we all had enjoying the great community we live in.  Incredible how many amazing volunteers from the church were involved in helping with the varied activities. Now back to life.  Here are three things to know this week: Senior Sunday and Summer Worship Time This Sunday, May 25th, we will be starting our …

Prayers for Rob Vande Lune

While many of us are preparing to enjoy a second day of Tulip Festival in Orange City, Rob Vande Lune is preparing for skin graft surgery on a burn wound in Iowa City. The surgery is scheduled for early afternoon. So let’s remember our brother and mission partner on this day, and pray for Erin and the kids as well, …