Wednesday Night at Trinity

VOLUNTEERS STILL NEEDED TO WORK AT THE BANQUET ON SATURDAY We could still use 10-12 more volunteers to work at the Banquet in Sioux Falls on this Saturday, April 18th. Please sign-up online by clicking HERE or  you can email or call the church office at:  or  737-4542.   We are also needing monetary donations to purchase the food, which you can drop off …

Monday’s Here

Thanks be to God for an incredible and joyful day of worship!  One week into our 5 weeks of 3-services was a good start. Thank you to all the volunteers! We also enjoyed some great teaching and fun experiences from Pastor Steve Keyes from Walk Thru the Bible. If you missed any of it, click HERE to see a replay. …

Sunday’s Coming! ~ April 12 ~ 3 worship services

     Today is a very special!  It is our first Sunday ever with 3 morning worship services (8:30, 9:50, and 11:10).  We’re doing this for five weeks (April 12-May10), and we’ll learn a lot as we plan for next fall.       But, it is also special because we are welcoming to our church Rev. Steve Keyes from …

Meal Night! ~ And more…

TONIGHT AT TRINITY5:30 p.m. – Wednesday Night Meal Menu: Cheesy Potatoes! Ham! Veggies! All are welcome, there is a $2.00 per person suggested donation. Parents, please keep your children with you until 6:20 p.m.  At that time they can be walked over and checked in at the children’s area. 6:30 p.m. – Rainbow Club 6:30 p.m.  – “When Jesus Sees” Women’s Bible Study 6:30 …

Monday’s Here

I didn’t know what to expect, exactly, as I offered people the opportunity to remember their own baptism on Sunday.  I’m sure many of us had never seen this done.  I hadn’t either.  I read about it from a Christian Reformed congregation in Muskegon, Michigan.  It just seemed to work, so we tried this simple experience. I was incredibly blessed …

Sunday’s Coming ~ Easter!

This Sunday, we declare, “Christ is risen!  He is risen indeed!” There is no other statement of faith that means anything apart from those words.  Easter marks the resurrection of Jesus Christ from dead.  The tomb that held Jesus is empty.  He is alive. If the resurrection of Jesus did not happen, then nothing else in the Christian faith makes any …

Holy Week Ministry

Hi friends, Here are reminders for our events the rest of the week: WEDNESDAY NIGHT (No children or youth ministry) 6:30 p.m. – Amistad Bible Study 6:30 P.M. – “When Jesus Sees” Women’s Bible Study 8:30 p.m. – VP3 – Year 1 HOLY WEEK SCHEDULE OF EVENTS April 2 – Maundy Thursday Service 6:30 p.m. at Living Water Community Church April 3 …

Monday’s Here

Thank you to our wonderful children for being our worship team yesterday!  Check out these pictures … If you missed worship, you can view the service by clicking HERE. PRAYERS FOR BRIAN & SARA CRANE We shared in worship yesterday the sad news that Sara Crane was pregnant but that the child had a rare genetic disorder.  On Friday, in the …

Sunday’s Coming ~ March 29, 2015

SUNDAY’S COMING This week, we find a new word that Jesus gives as part of following him – “Cross.” “Whoever does not take their cross and follow me is not worthy of me.” (Matthew 10:38) The cross for disciples?  Sure, we wear it around our necks, tattoo it to our skin, and adorn the front of churches with it.  But to …

Wednesday Night At Trinity

TONIGHT AT TRINITY 5:30 p.m. – Wednesday Night Meal Menu: Mini pizza (cheese, pepperoni, or hamburger), corn, salad, and cookies. All are welcome, there is a $2.00 per person suggested donation. Parents, please keep your children with you until 6:20 p.m.  At that time they can be walked over and checked in at the children’s area. 6:30 p.m. – Rainbow Club 6:30 …