Sunday’s Bible story focused on Jesus’ baptism by John. John the Baptist grew up in the wilderness. John’s ministry began when God’s word came to him, and he began preaching near the Jordan River. Jesus came from Galilee to be baptized by John in the Jordan River. December Memory Verse: John 1:14 “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among …
Signing Off
Sometimes there are no words. None suffice for Sunday evening. None except, perhaps, “Thank You,” and most definitely, “Thanks be to God.” Rarely do pastors experience what Ann, our kids, and I have experienced for these nearly 18 years in Orange City. God has done a remarkable thing, and we are privileged to have had a front-row seat to …
Sunday’s Coming ~ December 4, 2016
This week we begin a new series on expectations. Expectations have a huge influence on how we experience our lives, and there may not be any time where we feel more of the weight of expectations than around Christmas. The food needs to taste just like Grandma used to make it. Everyone needs to make it to every gathering and …
College Students Finals Week
On Sunday December 11th be sure to stop at the table in the Fellowship Hall after church to pick up a “Finals Week Goodie Bag”. Also on Dec 12-15 you are welcome to come and enjoy a quiet place off campus. Tap into our wi-fi and we will have rooms, tables, snacks, and drinks available until 5:00 p.m.
This Week In Lighthouse Kids (Nov. 30, 2016)
This week is PPM (Popcorn, pajama, and movie night) at Lighthouse Kids. Find out a story of wonder and a lesson in being content. K-2nd Grade December Memory Verses: 1 Thessalonians 5:16-17 “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing.” Jeremiah 5:16-17 (ERV) “Lord, there is no one like you. You are great! Your name is great and powerful! Everyone should respect you, King of all …
Children’s Ministry Sunday School Snip-It (Nov 27, 2016)
This week be reminded of the Hope that comes in Jesus. Waiting and hoping for God is more exciting and worthwhile than any earthly gift. Here are some verse to help remind us of the Hope we have in Jesus. Isaiah 7:14 “Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign. Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and …
Sunday’s Coming ~ November 27, 2016
This week will be my 932nd Sunday as the Senior Pastor of this congregation. It will also be my last. Yes, I will be present next week for a farewell, but my title comes to an end on Wednesday of this week.
While I believe in my heart that God called me to a new role as President of Words of Hope, this good-bye is not easy. Counting college years, Ann and I have lived in Orange City longer than we have lived any other place.
Children’s Ministry Sunday School Snip-It (Nov. 20, 2016)
Yesterday in Sunday school the kids looked and heard about Jesus’ trip to the temple as a 12-year-old. In Bible times, a Jewish boy became a man around age 12. His father would train him to take on all the responsibilities of adulthood, social and spiritual. Joseph was a carpenter, and he likely trained Jesus in his trade. When Mary …
Sunday’s Coming ~ November 20, 2016
Worship this week brings us to another person who easily could have said, “I’m in over my head.” God asked 80-year old Moses to confront Pharaoh, King of Egypt, and the most powerful man in the world. Moses knew from the get-go that this was way beyond who he was. After all, for 40 years he had been tending sheep. How could a farmer free the Israelites from 400 years of slavery?
And yet, God did it through the likes of Moses.
Cookie Exchange and Craft Night
Join us on December 5, 2016 for a Cookie Exchange and Craft Night. We will be meeting at Trinity from 6:30-8:30pm. You can come and just do the Cookie Exchange and enjoy a time offellowship, or you can come and just do the craft, or you can come and do both! The cookie exchange will begin at 6:30 p.m.There is …