Digital Bulletin | Orange City 

Sunday, February 23


Ecclesiastes 11:7-12:8

“Remember your Creator”

Rev. Kristin Brouwer, MDiv

early service | 8:30

View the early service bulletin here.

Order of Worship | 9:00 & 10:30

"Who You Say I Am"

"Reckless Love"


“Way Maker”


"Goodness of God"

Prayer Requests

Congratulations to Ross & Stacy Hoekstra on the baptism of their child, Boden
Ross, during the 10:30 am service.

Pray for Steven & Kelsey Dorhout and family as Steven’s grandpa, Clarence, passed away on February 8.

Pray for Ron Damstra as he recovers from a successful amputation surgery of his right leg. Ron was able to move to the Orange City Hospital from Sioux Falls and is grateful to recover closer to home.

Pray for Dave & Lonna Kluis as they navigate Dave’s ongoing health concerns.

Brian Mulder moved from the Pride Home in LeMars to Happy Siesta in Remsen.

Pray for Northwestern and Dordt students, faculty, and staff going on Service
Ministry Trips during their Spring Break, March 1-11. Trinity supports these trips with finances and prayer through the mission team who meets with students requesting assistance.

Pray for those who are homebound:  Prairie Ridge: Bev Grienke, June Vanden Berge, Gordon Brumels, Al Dew, Jeanne Feekes, Joyce Van Gorp, Chuck & Arlene Lubbers. Landsmeer: Phyllis Scorza, Lorraine Krommendyk, Audrey Den Hartog. Heartland Care Center: June Bouma.

Upcoming Events

sunday morning adult book study

n Sundays at 9 am, there is a book study on “Living Life Backward” by David Gibson to go along with the current sermon series, Ecclesiastes.


The first Faithful Finances class meets February 24 from 6-7:30 pm on the Orange City campus in Adult Rooms 1 & 2.

WEDNESDAY NIGHT discipleship

Kids Discipleship (K-5th grade) - 6:30-7:30 pm
Adult Sabbath Video Study - 6:30-7:45 pm
Middle School Youth Group - 6:30-7:30 pm
High School Youth Group - 8:00-9:00 pm


Join us at Trinity this Thursday afternoon from 4:30-5:30 pm in Adult Room 1 to pray for our church, community, and world.


Men of all ages: Join Pastor Brian and the Men's Ministry on Fridays at 6-7 am on the Orange City campus with coffee and donuts. The group is currently reading "Living Life Backward" by David Gibson to go along with the current sermon series, Ecclesiastes. Contact Patrick Giannantonio (712-541-0668) with any questions.


Taking place at the Hospers campus on March 5 at 6:30 pm, the service will be a time of worship, confession, prayer, and the imposition of ashes. Families are encouraged to attend together as this service is in place of regular programming for kids and youth ministries.


Trinity’s Young Adult Ministry is excited to partner with the Landsmeer Ridge Retirement Community for a night of BINGO! On March 20 at 6:30 pm, BINGO will be played alongside Landsmeer residents for fun, connection, and includes prizes! Meet on the Orange City campus at 6:15 pm to carpool or arrive at Landsmeer at 6:30 pm.


Pastor Brian and Rick Clark will be traveling with a group of 20 people from the
Synod of the Heartland to Chile, Argentina, and Brazil to meet with local pastors and host a Pastor’s conference. Stop at the table by the mission wall by March 2 for three options to support:
  1. Pray: Pick up a prayer card with information and prayer requests.
  2. Write: Pick up a card and write a note to a team member or to one of the South American Pastors.
  3. Give: Contribute a $25 gift to help fund gifts for the pastor’s who attend the conference. Cash, check or Venmo (memo: SA Pastor Conference) is accepted.


New Life Reformed Church in Sioux Center is hosting Gather 25. Come and experience a gathering of the global church like never before. You will be inspired and in awe of God through the teaching, worship, prayer and stories told of what God is doing around the world. We will meet at New Life from 7-10pm on Friday, Feb 28 and 10am-8pm on Saturday March 1. There is no fee and meals will be provided on Saturday for a free will donation. Come and see! Register at 


Registration is open! If your child is interested in attending one of the Inspiration Hills camps, there is information and registration packets at the Welcome Center, and Trinity will help cover the cost of camp up to $125 per child. When you fill out the registration, indicate Trinity Reformed Church as your home church, and send in payment for your portion of the camp, plus any incidental costs. Trinity will be billed directly from Inspiration Hills for the balance due. If you have any questions, contact Laurie Kurtz in the church office at 712-737-4542.

First Time Guests / Visitors

If you’re here for the first time, please connect with us! You can text ‘Welcome’ to (712) 201-3090 or stop by the Welcome Center after the service. We’d love the opportunity to meet you, and we’re grateful you chose to worship with us today. We hope you are blessed by our time together.