On our current trajectory we will be making monthly payments on our remaining building loan until 2037 with a significant increase in interest expected in two years. Unifying the congregation around a common goal to become "DEBT FREE IN THREE" will allow us to avoid significant interest payments, be free of the burden of debt, and open to what God has next for Trinity.
Ask God to place an amount on your heart to give toward paying off the church building.
2. ASK
Ask yourself what amount of money you desire to give and you believe God will provide for you to give.
Assume you were to give the amount on your heart. Spend a few days thinking and praying with that assumption in mind. Then ask yourself these questions:
- Am I motivated to give this amount by the desire to serve and worship God?
- Am I stepping out in faith?
- Can I give this amount with joy?
- If you answer "yes" to these questions, you're ready for Step 5.
- If you answer "no" to any of these questions, run through the steps again until you have found a gift you can commit to.
Mark your calendar for November 12, Commitment Sunday, where we, all together, bring forward the pledges we've committed to paying off the church building debt.