June // Youth Group Updates

June is here and it’s officially summer! We love this season! June is actually a quieter month in youth ministry. No weekly programming, no big trips, etc. But we are doing much planning for the mission trips coming up in July and for the programming year that will start at the end of August. We will use June to pray and listen and discern the Spirit so that we know what He wants for us in the coming year. This is a great time to be quiet and pay attention and ask for revelation. Would you join us in prayer as we discern all that God has for us in the next 12 months? Discernment happens best in community, and we believe that your prayers and suggestions matter. So join us in praying for our next steps! We’ll also have a couple of pre-trip high school mission trip meetings here in June. This is an opportunity for our mission team to connect, get to know each other, and prepare their hearts for our mission experience coming up in July. These are super important meetings, and we hope that all trip participants can join us. We’ll meet on June 2nd, June 16th, and July 7th. Other than that, we may have a bonfire or two, connect at a ball game sometime, or just hang out this month. Oh and I want to mention that something pretty cool starts here in June…some of our high school girls wanted to lead a book study for our incoming 6th grade girls as they get ready to head into middle school. So cool! That study starts on Saturday, June 1st, and will go every Saturday through early August. What a huge blessing for our incoming 6th grade girls, and what a really great way for our high school girls to lead and use their gifts! Love it! Okay, that’s June. Enjoy summer!