April // Youth Group Updates

It’s retreat month! April brings the culmination of lots of planning and registrations as we get to attend both the high school and the middle school retreats. This year these retreats are back-to-back weekends, so pray for us to get good sleep in between! We are super pumped to get away with our students and spend time in fellowship and in God’s presence. Would you pray that the Holy Spirit would move in their hearts and that our students would see and hear and respond? That’s our prayer as we put the finishing touches on these powerful weekends. Also in April, we go through our last teaching series for Wednesday night youth group. We’ll talk about the Good Shepherd and compare Him to some shepherds that our culture offers us. Our hope is that students can recognize these counterfeit shepherds and cultivate a desire to listen to the Good Shepherd rather than follow the shepherds of our culture. We get a worship night and a small group night in April as well, so we look forward to experiencing those together on Wednesday nights. We also finish our Sunday morning Bible studies this month. It’s been a great year of studying scripture and the Heidelberg Catechism as we continue to grow in our knowledge of the faith. Mission trip registrations are open through April, so a friendly reminder to get your students registered for these awesome summer trips sometime in the next 30 days. You can find registration links on the youth page of Trinity’s website. That’s it for April! Looking forward to all that God has in store for us as we continue to make Jesus known to the next generation!