Youth Group Updates – May

May is our last month of weekly programming for Trinity Youth. It’s sad, but it also means that spontaneous ministry opportunities and summer trips are on their way! On May 4th, we’ll have a small group night for youth group. That’s normal times (6:30-7:30, 8-9), but each small group will get to chose what they do for that hour. For more info on that event, contact ben at On May 11th, our 8th and 12th graders will lead us. Again, we’ll be on the OC campus at the normal times. As for summer…registration for the middle school retreat closes this month (May 9th). If your student wants to attend that event, please get them registered. You can find a link on the youth page of Trinity’s website. And stay tuned for a possible Sunday night youth group option that may happen starting in June. Some of our high school students have some passion around this, so pray that they can step up into leadership, and be used by God to invest in our students during this weekly summer gathering. Here’s to a strong finish to our programming year, and an awesome start to the summer season!