Sunday Recap – February 9

On Sunday, Pastor Brian Keepers (Orange City campus) and Pastor Kurt Bush (Hospers campus) preached from Philippians 1:19-30, reflecting with us what it means to live with joy.

Joy Practice: Write your own eulogy. Imagine what you’d want people to say about your life when they look back. This may sound morbid, but it can be such a powerful exercise! Then start living today in light of what you hope will be said about your life then.

Worship: You can view Orange City’s sermon and Sunday morning worship HERE.

Bulletin: View the Orange City bulletin HERE. View the Hospers bulletin HERE.

This Week at Trinity

Hospers Campus

Hospers Campus – Wednesday Night Meal: We are hot dogs/coneys at our community meal on February 12. Join us every Wednesday night at 6pm in the fellowship hall.

Orange City Campus

Youth Missions Banquet: Join us at the Orange City Campus this Sunday, February 16 from 5-7pm to support our high school youth group as they raise money for their summer mission trip. We’re serving a 3-course meal and offering valet parking and free childcare. This is your opportunity to dress up and enjoy a formal dinner without the kids! The suggested donation is $20 per person. For private dining and/or reservations, call 712-395-2473. 


Men’s Summit Retreat: Men, do you need time to refresh, relate, and recharge? Join us for the second annual Men’s Summit Retreat at Lake Benton, MN February 21-23. Tom Henderson will lead us in what it means to live a life of obedience as we follow Christ. We hope you will join us. Register online by February 12. 

Trinity Centennial Book: We have created a centennial book to commemorate Trinity’s 100th year of ministry. The book includes a recap of 2019 and ministry highlights and history from the last 100 years. A final order for the books will be placed on February 17. If you would like a book, you will need to reserve one before the final order is placed. You can order a copy of the book online or at the Welcome Center. Each book costs $8. 

Wheelchair Ministry (Hope Haven): Trinity is partnering with Hope Haven International to help build the padded parts of wheelchairs they send to children and adults in need all over the world.  Sign up online for more information or to serve with this ministry in the coming year.

Orange City Campus

Nursery Volunteers Needed: With the launch of the Hospers campus, we have had many key volunteers step out in faith to lead and serve in Hospers. This presents a great opportunity for those at the Orange City campus who are still looking for a place to serve with their gifts. While we are always looking for volunteers in many areas of ministry, there is a particular need right now for people to serve in the nursery during the 9:30 service. If you are interested, please sign up online or at the Welcome Center.

Hospers Campus

Chili Cook-Off: Join us at the Hospers Campus on Sunday, February 23 at 5pm for a chili cook-off! Everyone is encouraged to reach out and bring a friend, along with their best batch of chili. All are welcome! If you would like to participate in the cook-off, sign up online or in the lobby. 

Wednesday Night Worship Volunteers: We are looking for volunteers to help with Wednesday Night Worship. Please sign up online or in the lobby if you are interested in teaching or serving at the meal.