We began a 3-week sermon series on Sunday called “Living the Mission”. Pastor Brian Keepers preached from John 15:1-11, focusing on the part of our mission that says “connecting with God”.
Worship: You can view the sermon and Sunday morning worship HERE.
Bulletin: View the bulletin HERE.
This Week at Trinity
Wednesday Night Programming Resumes: Wednesday night activities resume this week. Lighthouse Kids (K-5th grade) & Middle School youth group is at 6:30. High School youth group is at 8:00.
Membership Class: Trinity’s Membership Class is an opportunity for those who want to take the next step in getting connected at Trinity. We will help you discover your gifts, see where you might like to grow, and take time to share Trinity’s story. Join us on Sunday, January 12 at 10:50am in Adult Rooms 3&4. If you plan to attend, please sign up online or at the Welcome Center.
Wheelchair Ministry: Trinity is partnering with Hope Haven International to help build the padded parts of wheelchairs they send to children and adults in need all over the world. We will share more about this exciting opportunity at all three services on Sunday, January 12. You will have the opportunity to sign up to hear more or to serve in this ministry.
Living A Better Story: Join Rachel Valentine on Wednesday nights for four weeks of ‘Living a Better Story’. We will explore the sacred work of acquainting with the emotional soul – the self that is the combination of emotion, memory, physical body, and connection with others. These are the very things that keep us stuck – and set us free. It is from these collective parts that we live out the story of our creation, fall, and radical redemption in Jesus Christ each day. We invite you to join us as we create space and invite curiosity around the stories of our soul and how Scripture might inform our stories. This class will meet January 15 – February 5 at 6:30pm in Adult Rooms 3&4. Please register online or at the Welcome Center.
Men’s Summit Retreat: Join us for a weekend retreat at Lake Benton, MN February 21-23. Tom Henderson will lead us in what it means to live a life of obedience as we follow Christ. We hope you will join us for this time of rest and renewal with other men from Trinity. Register online by February 12.
Summer Mission Trips: Please talk to Pastor Bob or Michael Simmelink if you are interested in learning more, or participating in, the trips to Uganda and Nicaragua this summer. Deadlines for registering will be coming up soon.
Engage Global: The Mission team is inviting you to participate in this weekend on February 14-16 in Minneapolis. Those who have gone say this experience will encourage, motivate, & challenge us individually & corporately to live for the advance of the Gospel. Participants will experience different cultures, good missionary teaching & food. It is fun – yet challenging. Talk to Pastor Bob if you are interested.