Sunday Recap – May 12

Yesterday was the third Sunday in our sermon series As You Go. Pastor Brian Keepers preached from Matthew 28:16-20 & Colossians 2:9-12, exploring what it means to make disciples “as we go” by “baptizing…in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” (Matthew 28:19).

Worship: You can view the sermon and Sunday morning worship by clicking HERE.

Bulletin: Find a link to the bulletin HERE.

This Week at Trinity

Tulip Festival Burger Feed: Our annual Tulip Festival Carnival Worker Burger Feed is this Wednesday, May 15 in downtown Windmill Park at noon. We are in need of two more volunteers to serve. Please volunteer to serve HERE.

Change in Office Hours This Week: Our office will be closed on Thursday afternoon (May 16) and all day Friday (May 17) for the Tulip Festival.

Tulip Festival Worship: Trinity will have one worship service on Sunday, May 19 at 9am. There will also be a community worship service at 11am in Windmill Park. Blankets and lawn chairs are encouraged for seating. Worship will be led by Trinity with a message from Mark Vande Zande of First Christian Reformed Church. Rain location: OC First Reformed Church.


Summer Worship: Starting May 26, we will switch to two Sunday morning services at 9am and 10:30am.

Summer VBS: Registration for Trinity’s VBS “Roar!” is now open for children ages 4 years old (by June 1) through entering 6th grade in the fall of 2019. VBS dates are June 10-13 from 9-11:30am. Register kids for VBS or volunteer to serve HERE.

Part-Time Director of Adult Discipleship: With Pastor Bob’s role shifting to Pastor of Congregational Care and Missions, Trinity is searching for a part-time Director of Adult Discipleship (25-30 hours/week). The purpose of this role is to facilitate and implement a vision for adult discipleship, which includes equipping leaders and leading our Life Group ministry. A job description is available HERE. If you are interested or know of someone who is, a resume or ministerial profile, along with a letter of interest, can be submitted to Pastor Brian (

Women’s Walking Group: We meet in the church parking lot at 5:45am on Tuesday and Thursday mornings to walk around the golf course together. We only cancel if it’s raining. When school lets out for the summer we’ll discuss a later start time.

Lost and Found: The lost and found bins at Trinity are overflowing! We have all sorts of kids clothes, Bibles, coffee mugs, water bottles, hats, etc. We encourage you to stop in and see if something is yours. The lost and found bins are located in our main office, just past the front desks. (If you are missing a ring, please email to identify it.)

Unclaimed College Meal Dishes: There are several unclaimed dishes in the kitchen from the last two college meals. If you brought food for one of these meals, please check the kitchen to see if any of the dishes are yours.

100 Years of Trinity

Trinity’s 100th Anniversary: Save the date for a celebration on Sunday, July 14 as we recognize and celebrate all that God has done at Trinity in the last 100 years!

Trinity Story Wall: In celebration of Trinity’s 100th anniversary this summer, we are going to collect & share stories from the last 100 years of Trinity. We’re doing this through the Trinity Story Wall (located outside the sanctuary). We encourage you to share your stories and memories of how God has been at work through Trinity. It could be a memory of something as simple as green carpet. It might be an experience you had or a way in which your faith was formed. We invite you to visit the story wall, take a slip of paper, write your memories, and pin them on the wall for others to see. If you are unable to visit Trinity and pin your story or memory on the wall, please email with your story and we’ll pin it for you. We all have a story to share. What’s yours?

Here are just a few of the stories, memories, and praises of thanksgiving that were pinned to the story wall on Sunday:

“Being prayed over as part of a commissioning service for a group going to Honduras in 1999. I specifically remember Art Van Riesen’s hand on my shoulder and praying for us.”

“The Kellers bringing us cookies after we visited the first week – feeling loved!”

“2008 mission trip to Mississippi changed my life as I saw first hand racial tensions that I thought were long passed. Paul Aykens, Doc Krommendyk, Mert Vander Broek, Dave Van Wechel, Steve Bogaard, Brian Crane, Hank Huisman, Brian & Shonna Hector, Verlyn Netten helped repair a home. We learned that we were the first white people to enter her home. She prepared a wonderful meal for us and Verlyn prayed blessing over her home.”

“Having our Trinity family celebrating a little life we didn’t get to meet.”

“As a deacon, I heard the sermon twice that morning. Who do I need to forgive? It wasn’t who I needed to forgive but who I needed to ask forgiveness from. That sermon opened my eyes and changed my heart and opened the door to a beautiful relationship – Oct. 2010)

“Hannah Barker kneeling on the green carpet of the old church as Pastor Jon poured the water of baptism over her.”

“For my entire life – Trinity has been a second home, a second family through their love, encouragement, prayers and teaching.”

“Being able to take part in and see the impact of missions around the country and world over the 20ish years I’ve attended.”

“At a consistory gathering soon after the start of my first term as a Deacon, Harriet Kroese came up to me. She puts her hand in mine and says, ‘Brian, you can only do 5 things because you need the other hand to hold on to God. Church, family, and work are 3 of them.’ I really need to hear that at the time as I was way over-committed.”

“Our church has been home to so many who went on to actively serve the Lord. Wonderful people, who called Trinity their home church, became missionaries, pastors, or used their lives to help others.”

“The beautiful organ-piano duets of Bev and Trudy.”

“The wonderful choir music led by VanWyk and Simmelink.”