Sunday Recap – April 21

Yesterday was Easter Sunday! Pastor Brian Keepers shared the Easter story from the Gospel of Matthew, showing us the surprising good news that truly changes everything!

Worship: You can view the sermon and Sunday morning worship by clicking HERE.

Bulletin: Find a link to the bulletin HERE.

Video Announcements: View Sunday’s video announcements HERE.

This Week at Trinity

Women’s Walking Group: Now that the weather is warming up, we’re going to start walking again! We meet in the church parking lot at 5:45am on Tuesday and Thursday mornings to walk around the golf course together. We only cancel if it’s raining. When school lets out for the summer we’ll discuss a later start time. See you this Tuesday, April 30!

College Brunch – April 28: We are still in need of 16 egg bake casseroles, 6 people to bring fruit, and 4 clean-up volunteers for our College Brunch on Sunday, April 28. Food can be dropped off in the kitchen by 11:15am. We ask that those helping with clean up arrive by 12:30. Please sign up here.

2019/2020 Budget & Consistory: Budget preview sessions will be held on April 28 at 9:30 & 10:50. Voting for the 2019/2020 Consistory will happen on Sunday morning, May 5. Members can vote YES or NO before or after any of the worship services. Leadership Team slate members draw lots to determine who serves (at the Congregational Gathering on May 5 at 12pm).

Upcoming Events & Announcements

Loving My Immigrant Neighbor: Join us on Tuesday, April 30 from 7-8:30pm in the fellowship hall for a conversation with Mark Prosser, Storm Lake Police Chief, to hear how Storm Lake has grown to embrace it’s ever-growing immigrant population. We’ll learn how Storm Lake is thriving together as a diverse community, and dream about how Orange City can also do so.

Trinity Brunch – May 5: New people step through the doors of Trinity every week. We celebrate the many people that God is bringing to the church, but we know that sometimes it can be hard to get plugged in. The Trinity Brunch is an opportunity for those who have been coming more recently to Trinity to meet some staff and other leaders as well as get connected with others who are new to Trinity. We hope you will join us on Sunday, May 5 at 10:50 in the fellowship hall.

Part-Time Director of Adult Discipleship: With Pastor Bob’s role shifting to Pastor of Congregational Care and Missions, Trinity is searching for a part-time Director of Adult Discipleship (25-30 hours/week). The purpose of this role is to facilitate and implement a vision for adult discipleship, which includes equipping leaders and leading our Life Group ministry. A job description is available at If you are interested or know of someone who is, a resume or ministerial profile, along with a letter of interest, can be submitted to Pastor Brian (

Trinity’s 100th Anniversary: Save the date for a celebration on Sunday, July 14 as we recognize and celebrate all that God has done at Trinity in the last 100 years! We don’t want to give too many details away quite yet, but we do encourage you to save the date as this will be an event you don’t want to miss. After all, it only comes once every one hundred years!