The spring semester is starting off with a bang here at Trinity Youth! We start with a trip to Northwestern College for the women’s and men’s basketball games on January 9th. Then we get back into our teaching series on passages in scripture that do a great job of summarizing what it means to be a Christian. We’ll finish this month with the big No Apologies live stream event in our Orange City campus sanctuary.
And…registration for our summer high school mission trip is now open!! Giddy up! We’re so excited to return to Mescalero Reformed Church in Mescalero, New Mexico this July! While there, we’ll connect with local people, serve meals, prepare worship services and kids/youth activities, and learn much about what God is doing among the Mescalero Apache people.
You can find the registration link at Just look for the high school mission trip tab.
Also, our spring retreats are open for registration as well. These retreats are for high school guys and high school girls, and will take place March 15-17, 2019. Again, visit for those registration links.
The spring middle school retreat and summer middle school mission trip registration will open on Monday, January 14. Visit for registration information and details for both of those trips.