Trinity Kids – What’s Happening This Week

Wednesday night – Lighthouse Kids at 6:30

Tonight we’ll talk with the kids about salvation. Ask your kids what the different colors of the salvation story represent.

Wednesday Night Parent Opportunity: Please consider coming out tomorrow night for a great growth and connection opportunity at Trinity.  Our overall Wednesday night theme this month is the Search for Contentment.  During the 6:30-7:30 pm hour there will be a panel of people of different ages who will discuss how we can have a more healthy Work / Life balance.  This will take place in Adult Rooms 3&4.  Hope to see you there.

SAVE THE DATE: The Lighthouse Kids swimming party is on Wednesday, Oct. 31 from 6-8 at the Sioux Center Aquatic Center.

Sunday morning – Children & Worship at 8:15 | Sunday School at 9:30 & 10:50

Reminder: If you could go into your child’s classroom to pick up them up on Sunday mornings that would be helpful. Thank you for helping to encourage your kids not to run in the building!


Fall Activities Recap: We had a lot of with our Fall activities last week. Here are a few photos!