Sunday Recap – September 30

We just finished our fall sermon series titled, “THRIVE: Being the Church Where We Live, Work, and Play.” Missed the service? You can view a recording HERE.

Over the course of this sermon series, we’ve posted Thrive Practices with each Sunday Recap. Our desire is that the message you hear on Sunday morning would serve as a launching pad. We don’t want you to forget the sermon after walking out of our doors. Our hope is to see transformation – that as a body we would take what we hear God saying and begin to live it. As you reflect on Pastor Brian’s message, ask yourself: what specific actions can I take to live into what I’m hearing?

Thrive Practices: Week 4

  • Spend at least 5 minutes each day praying. Begin with silence and just listen. Then, talk to God. Remember that your words don’t have to be perfect, simply be honest. End with the Lord’s Prayer: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Yours is the kingdom and the glory and the power forever, Amen.
  • Go on a prayer walk through your neighborhood, workplace, college campus, or town. Pray with your eyes open, asking God to help you see who he wants you to see.
  • Plan to attend the first Wednesday Night Meal Event on October 3 when we will scatter throughout the community doing a scavenger hunt and pray for different places.
  • Practice “praying without ceasing” this week. Whenever the Holy Spirit prompts you to pray for someone or something, do it right then and there (even if it is in the silent place of your heart). Begin to move from a “prayer life” to “a life of prayer.”
  • Decide on at least one way that you are going to get more involved in your neighborhood, community, church, college campus or some other place that is “here” for you. Invest!
  • Identity a need, frustration or injustice in the place where you live, work or play and then take intentional steps to seek God’s shalom there. Maybe you’re the one you’ve been waiting for!

As you engage in these practices, we want to hear from you. If you have a story to share, email us at or post a story to our Facebook page. We want to share in the work that God is doing in your life and the lives of those around you.

We are also excited to have been able to offer visual sermon notes each week, courtesy of Elizabeth Heeg. You can view her work in person outside of the sanctuary.

Fall Festival Recap – As a church and community, we gathered together on Sunday night for a Fall Festival. To view photos from the event, click HERE.

Announcements & Upcoming Events

Wednesday Night Meal: Our first Wednesday night meal of the fall is on October 3 from 5:45 to 6:30. Join us in the fellowship hall for smoked pork, baked mac ‘n cheese, baked beans, applesauce, and cookies. Wednesday night meals will take place on the first Wednesday of the month this school year.

Scavenger Hunt for Adults: At 6:30, following the Wednesday night meal, join us as we preview some new opportunities for growth and connection among adults. We also will be participating in a scavenger hunt throughout the community based on what we’ve been learning in the Thrive series.

CenterPoint Worship: Join us at First Reformed Church in Sioux Center on Oct. 3 at 8pm for a time of prayer and worship with people across the Northwest Iowa region.