On Sunday morning, we began our fall sermon series titled, “THRIVE: Being the Church Where We Live, Work, and Play.” Missed the service? You can view a recording HERE.
Over the next four weeks of this sermon series, we’ll post Thrive Practices with each Sunday Recap. Our desire is that the message you hear on Sunday morning would serve as a launching pad. We don’t want you to forget the sermon after walking out of our doors. Our hope is to see transformation – that as a body we would take what we hear God saying and begin to live it. As you reflect on Pastor Brian’s message, ask yourself: what specific actions can I take to live into what I’m hearing?
Thrive Practices: Week 1
- Spend 15 minutes each day in an intentional time of prayer and reading of scripture.
- Write Ephesians 2:19-22 on an index card and carry it with you this week. Pull it out multiple times a day to remind you of the truth that Jesus is the cornerstone. Consider memorizing it.
- Commit to one way that you will take initiative to partner with God to help build your children or grandchildren’s faith. (ex: pray regularly with or for them, do family devotions, have conversations about faith, find ways to serve together, etc.)
- Intentionally use your words or do something each day this week to build someone up. Begin at home with your spouse, kids, or closest relationships.
- Identify a way that your family or friendships will be “built for others”. Is there a specific way you can look outside yourself and love others?
- Ask the Holy Spirit to show you one relationship in your life to more fully invest in. Commit to building and investing into this person.
As you engage in these practices, we want to hear from you. If you have a story to share, email us at trinityoc@gmail.com or post a story to our Facebook page. We want to share in the work that God is doing in your life and the lives of those around you.
We are also excited to offer visual sermon notes each week, courtesy of Elizabeth Heeg. Each Sunday, you can view her work in person outside of the sanctuary.
Sermon Notes, Thrive: Build & Live | courtesy of Elizabeth Heeg
Discipleship Opportunities & Upcoming Events
In addition to the new sermon series, we launched our fall discipleship opportunities for children, youth, and adults.
To stay up-to-date on the many upcoming events and happenings at Trinity, take a look at our video announcements and bulletin.