2018 Congregational Meeting

If you weren’t able to be with us for the 2018 congregational meeting, here is a summary of what took place.

The youth group hosted their missions banquet and raised around $3,000 for their summer mission trip.  The high school mission trip will be July 13-July 22 and we will partner with Voice of Calvary Ministries in Jackson, Mississippi to do a host of projects: after school programs, VBS, minor construction, painting, and the like. 

Next, Pastor Brian talked about some of the ways we have seen God at work this last year.  You can view that content HERE.

We spent time thanking our many amazing volunteers as well as honoring Sara Crane for her time on staff at Trinity.

Finally we reported the results of the congregational vote which were:

168 ballots cast:

For leadership elder we had 154 people vote yes, 10 people vote no, and 4 people circle an individual name.

For leadership deacon we had 155 people vote yes, 9 people vote no, and 4 people circle an individual name.

For ministry deacons we had 163 vote yes, 2 vote no, and 4 circle individual names.

For ministry elders we had 159 vote yes, 5 vote no, and 4 circle individual names.

For the budget we had 151 vote yes and 1 vote no.

So with these results all measures passed and then we prayed, asked for the Holy Spirit’s guidance, and cast lots for leadership elder and leadership deacon (as modeled in Acts 1:23-26).  The names selected were Michelle Christy for leadership elder and Jackie Davis for leadership deacon.  This means our new consistory members starting July 1 will be

  • Michelle Christy- leadership elder
  • Jackie Davis- leadership deacon
  • Monica Aalbers- elder
  • Dave Arnett- elder
  • Dan Swier- elder
  • Vince Kurtz- deacon
  • Michael Simmelink- deacon
  • Ashley Stanislav- deacon

We are grateful to our church and to those who are leaders both in official and unofficial capacities.  This is our prayer for our leaders this next year:

Gracious God, We know from your own words and actions that you care for us as individuals, that you call us to faith, and from faith to obedience, to evangelism, and to discipleship.

You call us to individual relationships—with you, with friends, with family—in truth, with all we encounter.  Your words and actions, Lord, also show us that you care for us as a body, that you call us corporately to worship, pray, and serve together, pursuing your work in this world through partnerships with others.

You call leaders from among us for a variety of roles both within and outside of the church.

Thank you, Lord God, for your faithfulness to your church worldwide and to this congregation in particular.  It is your love we need, your presence we seek, your wise counsel we request.  We celebrate tonight the many gifted servants in your church, thankful for all of them and the ways they use those gifts.

We thank you particularly for those who stand ready to accept your call to Trinity’s consistory.  We are grateful for their willingness to serve, and we ask your continued blessings in their lives and work. You have gifted each of these people—and, indeed, all who follow you—with the ability to make a difference for your kingdom.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.