Have you been looking for a way to serve and connect with other men at Trinity? The Men’s Ministry Team has a new opportunity for you to do both.
Starting February 21, the men of Trinity will be serving as the Wednesday evening meal clean-up crew. We are looking to alleviate some of the hard work our other groups are performing by providing the dining area clean-up. Our window of service will run from 6pm to approximately 7pm each Wednesday night meal.
After our clean up is complete, everyone is invited to hang out for an informal time of Bible study and fellowship with the other guys. We will be using Patrick Morley’s “70 Things Every Man Needs to Know” to guide the discussion. There will be no preparation required for the study, just come as you are. We anticipate finishing up no later than 8pm.
Our first study is scheduled for February 7 in the sanctuary from 7:00 – 8:00pm. The topic will be Biblical Manhood. Bring a friend and enjoy some fellowship with other men of Trinity.
Thanks for your interest in the Trinity Men’s Ministry. We look forward to serving with you.
~Men of Trinity Ministry Team
Please contact Shay Davis at: 712-541-5279 with any questions.