With the recent change to a fiscal year along with the consistory restructuring, some of the processes and timeline will be different for us selecting our new leaders for consistory and leadership team this year. Here are the things that you need to know about.
January 14th: The nomination process opens. Members may nominate leaders either using paper forms at the welcome center or by using our online form available here.
January 21st: There will be a “Learn More” event during the 9:50 service in rooms 3-4 where anyone may come to ask questions and hear more information about consistory, ministry teams, or the process of selecting our leaders.
January 28th: Nominations close.
February 11th-25th: Eligible nominees will meet with a ministry discernment team. The ministry discernment team will recommend a single slate for ministry elders and ministry deacons and a double slate for leadership elder and leadership deacon.
March 26: The consistory approves or declines the consistory slates.
May 6th: The congregation votes to approve the slates, and lots are drawn for the positions of leadership elder and leadership deacon as outlined in Acts 1:23-26.
July 1: New consistory members begin.
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