In this Trinity update we have:
1: Vision and frequently asked questions
2: Video of God’s faithfulness
3: Proposed budget for 2018
4: Existing consistory members and terms
Vision and frequently asked questions:
Q. What are we voting on as a church on November 12th?
A. Three things:
To permanently change our fiscal year to July 1 thru June 30.
A 6-month interim budget (January 1, 2018 thru June 30, 2018).
To extend the term of all current consistory members by 6 months (they will each finish their term June 30 of their final year instead of Dec. 31).
Q. Are we restructuring our Consistory?
A. While we are in the process of restructuring, we are not proposing any changes now. Over the past year, the consistory has been working hard to address our current consistory structure and find ways to help get our leaders in their place of giftedness and passions. We believe that our structures must always serve the greater mission and be flexible and dynamic enough to meet the needs of the church as it grows and changes. What’s our greater mission? As you hear us say often, our mission at Trinity is to help all people connect with God, with others, and with the Spirit’s work in the world. It’s to be a regional church of disciples who are making disciples. So we are wrestling with how our leadership structure can best empower us, as a whole church, to accomplish our mission.
Q. How will changing the fiscal year help with the consistory restructure?
A. In addition to beginning a new budget, the new fiscal year is also the time when we bring on new consistory members. This change will give us the time and space we need to work on the restructure and be ready to select consistory members who can serve in their place of giftedness and passions (as opposed to just putting people in roles).
Q. Are there other reasons for making this change beyond just creating more time and space to do the consistory restructure?
A. Yes. This change will provide a better rhythm for the church as a whole, as all our ministries and programs already line up with the school calendar. It will be better for the staff. And it will be better for new consistory members as they will not be “jumping in” in the middle of our programming year.
Q. Should this proposal be approved, when will it begin?
A. July 1, 2018. This is when our new annual budget will kick in and our new consistory members will begin. We will start the new consistory selection process in January. New consistory members and the 2018-19 annual budget will be presented to the congregation to be approved on Sunday, April 29, 2018. We plan to have a dinner and celebration that evening as well.
Q. If our current budget goes through December 31, 2017, what will we use for a budget in the 6-month interim—between January 1 and June 30, 2018?
A. The consistory has approved a 6-month interim budget to guide us from January 1 thru the end of June 2018. You can find a summary of that budget attached. This will need to be approved by the congregation on November 12, 2017.
Q. What will the impact be on current consistory members as it relates to the length of their term?
A. In order to make this change, we will need all current consistory members to extend their term by 6 months (instead of finishing in the month of December, they will finish in the month of June). At Trinity, consistory members serve 3 year terms. This will continue to be the case with new consistory members. Attached is a sheet of our current consistory members and the date their term will be completed. All current consistory members have graciously agreed to do this. This 6-month extension for the terms of current consistory members will also need to be approved by the congregation on November 12, 2017.
Q. Who is eligible to vote and when will it happen?
A. All members of Trinity Reformed Church are eligible to vote. Ballots will be available in between all three services that morning. Absentee ballots are available in the church office.
Q. What if I have questions or feedback about all of this?
A. Q & A sessions will be held on Sunday, October 29 during the 9:50 a.m. service in Adult Room 2 and on November 5 during the 11:10 a.m. service in Adult Rooms 3&4. You are also welcome to speak with Rick Clark (VP of Consistory) or any member of the church staff or consistory.
Q. How will the results of the vote be communicated?
A. The results will be communicated via the church website and on our blog.
It’s such an exciting time to be a part of what God is doing in and through Trinity Reformed Church! Changing the fiscal year, and our ongoing work with the consistory restructure, are another positive step of living into our grander vision to be a regional church that is committed to reaching all people with the gospel in northwest Iowa and beyond!
Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we could ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus from one generation to the next! – Ephesians 3:20-21
Great Is Thy Faithfulness:
Trinity’s history is littered with stories showing God’s faithfulness to us. One of the most recent is how Trinity was able to move into our new facility.
Summery of the proposed 2018 budget:
Click HERE to view.
Existing consistory members and terms:
All terms will end in June of the year listed.
Leadership Elders:
Rick Clark – 2018
Derek Brower – 2019
Marlon Haverdink – 2020
Leadership Deacons:
Kim Jongerius – 2018
Scott Heemstra – 2019
Jeff Joiner – 2020
Dean Calsbeek – 2018
Jackie Davis – 2018
Blake Plender – 2018
Adam Boone – 2019
Patrick Giannantonio – 2019
Blayne Van Marel – 2019
Shonna Hector – 2020
Mark Scallon – 2020
Todd TeGrotenhuis – 2020
Michelle Christy – 2018
Barb Dewald – 2018
Rick Scholtens – 2018
Sandi Carlson – 2019
Ann Korver – 2019
Kris McDonald – 2019
John Buntsma – 2020
Renee Guthmiller – 2020
Patrick Hummel – 2020