A Woman’s Heart, God’s Dwelling Place An Updated, 11 week Study by Beth Moore
In this 11 week in-depth Bible study you will be challenged to prepare your heart, like the holy of holies, to become a home for His love and glory — a dwelling place for the Most High God.
Monday nights September 18th to November 27th
Time: 7:00-9:00 p.m.
Cost: $17.00
Sign up online HERE.
Sign-up deadline: Sunday, September 17
If child care is needed, please indicate that when you sign up.
If the cost of the book is an issue, please let us know. There are scholarships available.
For any questions please email: valdescary@yahoo.com
If you want further info about the content of the study, click HERE for a promo video.
Perhaps no Old Testament event so dramatically illustrates God’s persistent desire to relate to His children as the building of the tabernacle in the wilderness. Through the tabernacle God initiated a deeper relationship with His Chosen People by bringing reconciliation and revealing His glory. And certainly, no Old Testament event so richly prefigures the coming of the true Tabernacle, Jesus Christ.