Sunday’s Coming ~ July 2, 2017

Preaching this week is Chuck Van Engen. 

Chuck and his wife, Jean, serve in partnership with the Evangelical University of the Americas and Latin American Christian Ministries, Inc.

Unprecedented growth among the Protestant churches in Latin America has created an urgent need for leaders who can mentor other leaders, disciple new believers, help transform society, and engage in cross-cultural mission. The Latin American Leadership Development Program (LALDP), a multinational and multi-denominational community of Latin American scholars, churches, and educational institutions, helps meet the need for advanced theological education in Spanish and Portuguese. This four-year doctoral program, which is directed and taught by Latin Americans, serves Latin American churches, missions, seminaries, and Bible schools. Chuck was instrumental in starting the program and serves as president of Latin American Christian Ministries. Jean is an accountant and chief financial officer for the LALDP.

WORSHIP TIMES – 9:00 / 10:30 a.m.

  • NURSERY is available for children Infant-Age 3 during all services.
  • CHILDREN & WORSHIP (Ages 4-6)
    • Will not have class this week
    • Class will resume again in the fall
  • CHILDREN’S SUNDAY SCHOOL (Ages 4-5th Grade)
    • Will not have class this week
    • Class will resume again in the fall
    • Will not have class this week
    • Class will resume again in the fall
    • 10:30-11:30 a.m. in Adult Room 4
    • Join us as we study the book of Philippians

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