Sunday’s Coming ~ April 16, 2017

Preaching this week is Director of Youth Ministry, Ben Vos. He will share a message from John 20 on a God with scars.

It will be Easter Sunday and we will finish our Lent series, The Way of the Cross, this week. We know that the way of the cross is a difficult one and that walking with Jesus into the mess of the cross is devastating. But this week we will be reminded that when we walk with Jesus into a mess, He walks with us out of that mess. When we must go to the cross, we get to go to the empty tomb. Sunday always comes after Friday!

This week we will see in the gospel of John that a God with scars can be trusted. A God that is willing to go to such great lengths to demonstrate His love and care for us is a God in which we can believe. And though we may at times forget His sacrifice or neglect His faithfulness, may we also be the kind of folks who finally decide that this Jesus is trustworthy. May we get to a place today, like Mary Magdalene, where we simply believe that God is who He says He is, and that God will do what He says He will do. Trust is what God desires from us. Mary had it. I pray that you might have it, too.

Happy Easter!

WORSHIP TIMES – 8:30 / 9:50 / 11:10 a.m.

  • NURSERY is available for children Infant-Age 3 during all services.
  • CHILDREN & WORSHIP (Ages 4-6)
    • Will not have class this week.
  • CHILDREN’S SUNDAY SCHOOL (Ages 4-5th Grade)
    • Will not have class this week.
    • Will not have class this week.
    • Will not have class this week.

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