Gideon: Your Weakness, God’s Strength. A 7-session Study by Best-Selling author Priscilla Shirer
“When we hear the name Gideon, most of us think about his 300 soldiers or a fleece spread beneath the evening sky. But Gideon’s story is so much bigger than that. This is a story about God and His people—His love for them, as well as His strength operating in spite of, even through, their weakness.”
This study will encourage you to recognize your weakness as the key that the Lord gives you to unlock the full experience of His strength in your life.
Join us at Trinity on Wednesday nights from February 22nd-April 12th from 6:00-7:30 p.m. in Adult Rooms 3&4. Class size is limited, sign up today to reserve your space and book. Cost: $15.00, which will cover your book and materials.
To ensure your spot, register today. Class size limited to 45.
Click HERE to register online. Registration deadline has been extended to February 19, 2017