Starting mid January we will be offering a 10 session class on Sunday mornings from 11:00am-12:15pm on Dave Ramsey’s “Foundations in Personal Finance” with topics covering saving, budgeting, debt, philanthropy, and investing.
Plan to join us on Sunday, January 15th OR January 22nd for a free “introductory” session covering Chapter 1 on the topic of Saving. No sign-up or registration is required, you are welcome to join us in Rooms 3&4 from 11:00am – 12:15pm.
After the first session, if you would like to continue and commit to the rest of the course, the remaining sessions will be January 29 – April 2nd, and the cost will be $33 for adults and there will be no cost for college students. This will include a workbook, access to videos, and other online resources.
The course will cover 5 chapters using a combination of Dave Ramsey DVD videos, small group discussion, and workbook readings and exercises. This class will provide solid financial principles of savings, budgeting, debt, philanthropy, and investing.
This course is tailored to those in their 20’s and early 30’s, but anyone (any age) is welcome to attend.
If you have questions, please contact Eric Anderson at: