Hurricane Matthew Haiti Update

Here is the latest update we have received from our Haiti Missionaries JeanJean & Kristie Mompremier:

“The opening of the university gives us reason to celebrate and we desperately need this since the death toll of hurricane Matthew keeps mounting.  It’s heartbreaking to think about so many people who lost loved ones, who are homeless, and who are hungry and in danger of cholera.  BUT, God is in control.  One of our theology professors is from the area that was hardest hit, Nippes which is close to Les Cayes.  He has helped us to connect to a small, rural area where more than 100 homes have lost their roofs and have other damage.  UCI will be able to help this village!  Our church has been collecting clothes and food and Pasyans, one of our local construction men, is already in the area making assessments.  All money raised will be going towards putting roofs on churches, schools, and houses in this area.  We hope to start soon.  Thank you to all of you who have been a part of this.  If you would like to help, you may go to our website, and donate using the humanitarian relief option.  Thank you.

~ Kristie, Jeanjean, and Kerri”