Sunday’s Coming ~ May 15, 2016

Summer is almost upon us.  You can begin to feel it with the warmer weather, the longer days and the signs of life sprouting up around us.  Gardens will begin to grow, crops will burst from the ground and a different rhythm of life emerges.  Often it is during this time that we find time to get away to be refreshed, go for walks in the evening, take time to grill outdoors or sit around a firepit with friends and neighbors.  These are all good things and can give us the rest and renewal that is important in life.

A crucial question is this, “How will we pursue renewal and be reinvigorated in our walk with Jesus?”  All of these things above can be parts of this journey but are they enough?

Over the years I have experienced a consistent story-line from people following the summer.  They did all the vacations, golf, time at the lake and grilling out, but they felt empty come the fall.  Sinful patterns re-emerged, spiritually they felt dry and thirsty, relationally they felt disconnected. 

How does this happen?  What can we do about it?

This week we are going to look at what Paul wanted most from the group of people in Thessalonica who said yes to following Jesus – faith that stands firm.  As we look at this text from 1 Thessalonians 2:17-3:10 we will explore together what this kind of faith looks like and how we can pursue it as a church.  The hope is that our summer will be filled with great opportunities to be refreshed in ways that are truly life-giving not only for ourselves, but for other people God calls us to help along the journey as well.

  • There will be no CHILDREN & WORSHIP this week.
    • Classes will resume again in the fall
  • There will be no CHILDREN’S SUNDAY SCHOOL this week.
    • Classes will resume again in the fall.
  • There will be no MIDDLE SCHOOL & HIGH SCHOOL SUNDAY SCHOOL this week.
    • Classes will resume again in the fall.


    • This class will gather around the table in Room 1 from 9:50-10:35 a.m. All ages are welcome.  For a copy of this weeks lesson, click HERE.

Going to be gone? You can worship with us live on our Webcast – click HERE

You can also view past services in their entirety – click HERE

You can view this weeks bulletin – click HERE