Sunday’s Coming ~ January 17, 2016

For a few months now, I’ve been anticipating our Winter Worship Series in Romans 12.  The writer is the Apostle Paul.  He writes to a church in Rome, full of all kinds of people – new believers from pagan backgrounds, and long-time religious insiders with a Jewish history.  There are rich and poor, Roman citizens and ethnic outsiders.  

How can such a diverse group of people get along?  That’s what Romans 12 is all about.  How do we relate to one another?

Do you have any relationships that feel strained?  Anyone you would rather not run into at the grocery store or post office?  Do you cringe when you see your caller-ID or the “from” box in your e-mail with a name you don’t want to interact with?  And yet, deep down, we want to live in peace with those closest to us.

Last week I invited people to follow Paul’s challenge to “sober up” with an honest self-assessment of who we are in Jesus.  I believe that with an honest view of ourselves in Christ, we will be able to live and love like Jesus for the sake of others.

This week, we pick up the next step: what kind of love we have to give.  I was blown away be studying the most common of words – “love.”  I can’t wait to share what God showed me. It may just change your life.  It did mine.  

We’ll also get a chance to practice loving others through packaging meals for Honduras.  You are invited to take some time to serve before or after worship.  And, we get to celebrate baptism!  At the 11:10 service, John and Kim Dykstra bring their son, Eli Peter, to be baptized.

Sunday School for All Ages at 9:50a.m.

  • Children and Worship
    • Ages 5-1st Grade (Children’s Area)
    • Dismissed during the 8:30 and 11:10 a.m. services.
  • Ages K-5th Grade (Children’s Area)
  • Middle School & High School (Youth Room)
  • Adult Opportunities:
    • Join us as we package meals at the Then Just Feed One event.
    • Sunday School Guide Class: Will not meet this winter, but Syl Scorza will prepare “home” outlines and notes each week. These will be available on-line, click HERE. Please sign-up with Syl at: or 737-4335.

Going to be gone? You can worship with us live on our Webcast – click HERE

You can also view past services in their entirety – click HERE

You can view this weeks bulletin – click HERE