This week we are continuing an occasional series we do called “Heidelberg U.” We are in the fifth week of this series here at Trinity. So far we’ve covered our sin and all the effects of that sin. Basically, we know how miserable life is without a savior. But this week is different. This week we get to meet a person named Jesus. This week we are offered the saving that we really need. This week we get deliverance.
And the only person that can give us deliverance is Jesus Christ, the God-man who came to earth, put skin on, and made atonement for our sins by dying on the cross and then defeating death. Up to this point, this sermon series has been rather dark and dreary. But this week we will discover a bright light as we look at Day 5 of the Catechism and learn from the prophet Isaiah as he predicts the kind of savior this Jesus really is.
May the words from Isaiah 52-53 speak loudly and with great force to us this week. May we listen to who Jesus is and know that this suffering servant is all we need to experience deliverance from the bondage of sin.
There will not be Children & Worship or Sunday School this week.
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