Sunday’s Coming ~ December 13, 2015

We are in the third week of a season called “advent.” The word “advent” comes from the Latin word adventus, meaning “coming,” which is a translation of the Greek word parousia. For the first Christians, advent was all about preparing for Jesus to come again – the true second Christmas. 

Maybe because Christ’s birth was first celebrated during winter amid darkness, light is one of the key elements used to help us understand what Christ’s coming means. “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not over come it.”  (John 1:4)

The message from John 1 grows more personal in this weeks worship.  Jesus came to a world he created, but the world did not know him.  Jesus came to his own people, but they did not receive him.  And still today, Jesus lives.  Do we see him?  Do we know him?  And, most important of all, have we received him?  

Let’s get ready to welcome Jesus among us.

And, THANKS BE TO GOD for an incredible celebration last Sunday evening.  What beautiful witnesses to God’s glory!  What generous support for our youth! What Godly leaders God is raising up for this next year!  THANK YOU, LORD! 

Sunday School for All Ages at 9:50a.m.

  • Children and Worship
    • Ages 5-1st Grade (Children’s Area)
    • Dismissed during the 8:30 and 11:10 a.m. services.
  • Ages K-5th Grade (Children’s Area)
  • Middle School & High School (Youth Room)
  • Adult Opportunities:
    • Questions of Life (Fellowship Hall): The series this week will be on Mental Health, Spirituality, and Wholeness.Does mental health impact our relationship with God?  Does our relationship with God impact our mental health?  How do areas such as SELF-ESTEEM, FEAR, ANXIETY, APATHY, DEPRESSION, and ANGER impact our life with God? We all have challenges to our emotional well-being, and we know we could do better.  Join us as we think together about how our relationships with God and each other interact with our mental and emotional health.  Joan Andres will be facilitating this week.
    • Sunday School Guide Class: Will not meet this winter, but Syl Scorza will prepare “home” outlines and notes each week. These will be available on-line. Please sign-up with Syl at: or 737-4335.

Going to be gone? You can worship with us live on our Webcast – click HERE

You can also view past services in their entirety – click HERE

You can view this weeks bulletin – click HERE